Monday, June 11, 2007

She's Into You....Or So I Thought

It is a very blah Monday. I have been really busy at work but if you ask me what I've been doing, I can't really quantify it except to say, 'I went to lunch at Chik-Fil-A...yum!'
So interesting story of 'things aren't always as they seem' from the weekend.
A bunch of Purdue friends got together at the new local hang-out, Clare -N- Don's, in Falls Church. Our friends, 'T&A,' had a gig Saturday night and after what seemed like a never-ending softball game earlier in the day, just hanging out in the nice, warm weather sounded like good fun. Good friends, good fun.
So T&A are playing their tunes, sounding good, working the crowd....and in the crowd, they were working one couple in particular ...they're on their first date...awww. I keep glancing over at them. They make a good looking couple. She looks like she's having fun, he looks like he's having fun and why shouldn't they - they've got like eight empty cans of PBR (Pabst's) between them and they just kept coming. So the night goes on, they seem to be enjoying the music and I'm thinking 'these kids just might make it.'
The happy couple eventually leave before T&A's second set is over but not before Andy, or 'A' of 'T&A', can whisper into the mic, 'So will there be a second date?'
Giggles all around and now the REAL story comes out....the good stuff....oh yeah!
So after 'T&A' are finished for the night, we all gather round, talk about how great the gig was and the people sitting in front of us also joined in a bit and we start talking about the first date couple. The guy sitting in front of us comments, 'Oh man, I ran into Max (the first date guy) on line in the bathroom and I'm like 'how's it going, man?' and he's like, 'dude, it's like the's going down in flames!'
Shocked expressions all around.
Then Andy chimes in with, 'When Max got up to go to the bathroom, I kind of whispered to the girl (can't remember her name), 'So how's it going?''
Her response? A shake of the head and a point at one of our Purdue buddies, Anthony, with a 'Do you know him?'
In hindsight, just talking about all the things that went on that we didn't really see, I guess other clues that the date was not progressing well would have been:
1) how she kept saying how she didn't eat and she was hungry but all that was in front of her were beer cans
2) when Andy stopped to talk to the couple, she asked if Andy was single.

And here's just a couple of things that went wrong:
1) PBR? PBR? I don't care if it's $2/'s PBR...there's better stuff out there.
2) You're at this bar at 6:00 - that's chow time. Buy your date some dinner especially if she expresses that she's hungry. Appetizers, sides, ANYTHING...just buy something to eat. Trade in three cans of PBR for a $6 appetizer.
So knowing what we know now, I guess if we could relive that moment where Andy whispers into the mic, 'So, will there be a second date,' someone could have yelled, 'Hells no!'

I guess she wasn't that into him afterall.


  1. Who in our generation is named Max anyway? That is the name of my friend's dog.

    Just yesterday, someone at work was referring to a "PBR." I think he meant "performance-based review," but all I could think of was good old Pabst. My grandmother was a big fan. She also used to buy these mini Budweisers - the 8 oz kind. Do they still make those? When does anyone want 8 oz of beer?

  2. Come on, like you don't already know there are plenty of clueless dudes out there that buy their girlfriends grill pans for their birthday...or better yet...nothing. How can you expect some randomer to buy a girl some food on a first date. :P
