Friday, May 23, 2008

Jerkstore! I'm Going With Jerkstore!!

My mom came up with the perfect response to the San Antonio news reporter who asked how seeing drunk drivers on the road "made me feel":

"I really hope I see some swerving cars when I go out driving - reminds me of dodge-em cars."

Ahh - hindsight is always 20/20 isn't it?

The Next Fifteen Minutes

Andy Warhol's "fifteen minutes of fame" is one of my favorite prophecies of all time. It's certainly a recurring theme these days, with all of the reality television clogging up the airwaves. The question for me is this: when it comes to our "fifteen minutes," what counts?

Now, I don't have any grand illusions of becoming the next Reese Witherspoon or Scarlett Johansson or anything of the sort. I don't really want to be famous like that; I'd like to continue my routine of dining in obscurity (although, did you know that you can "hire" paparazzi to follow you around? interesting concept). What I do strive for, however, is success with my writing. I'd love to land a contract with a publishing house and see my book in print. I guess you could say that achieving this dream would involve a certain amount of "fifteen minutes," even if my writing never makes it to the level of Marian Keyes or Lauren Weisberger.

I worry, however, that if Mr. Warhol's prophecy rings true, my "fifteen minutes" may already be up. On three occasions now, I have been interviewed by the local news. Once was in Washington, D.C., while I was lunching at Freedom Plaza (Channel 7 news asked me what I thought about the height restrictions on buildings in the city). The second, hilariously, was in London's Covent Garden (some morning show correspondent asked me if I was concerned about the salt content in pre-packaged foods - my reply: "I like salt. I have low blood pressure."). And finally, just yesterday, while sipping on a mocha light frappucino from the Riverwalk Starbucks, some San Antonio news channel asked me how seeing drunk drivers swerving on the highway "makes me feel" (this inspired me to wonder about this woman's journalism education - kind of a loaded question, don't you think? It's not like I was going to answer "Why, it makes me feel great! I'm all for it!" (although I did think about it, given the stupidity of the question)).

In any case, while I have yet to see any of my "interviews" on television (couldn't find the London program and believe my D.C. footage was left on the cutting room floor), a part of me worries that this is it for me. My "fifteen minutes" of cheap, localized fame.

Let's hope that's not the case.

Summer Summer Summertime!

Today is the unofficial first day of the official summer season...what? Yeah, you heard me...the Friday before Memorial Day - convertible tops have been lowered, gas prices have been hiked up to ying-yang and traffic is sure to be horrible starting at approximately 2 PM ET. Cue Fresh Prince's 'Summertime' now....

Thankfully, my husband and I are staying put...we have been staying put for a lot of things recently - probably because we now have the house and look at it as a time to just hang out, chill out and enjoy our new atmosphere. What I'm hoping to accomplish this weekend is totally dependent on a third party tree company that was supposed to cut down two trees in our backyard about a month ago, but due to rain and his lack of professional communication, they're still up. He said that they would have them down this week - it's is his last chance.... For blogging purposes, we will give him the benefit of the doubt and say that the trees come down today or Saturday. I can finally put up the "pop-up" gazebo tent I purchased from Target over a month ago (to keep out acorns and mosquitos) and put out the patio table that was so generously given to us by friends that moved.

But I digress - what comes with the summer season are summer concerts - and there are a slew of them coming our way. I'm not even focusing on the big headline concerts (aka - found out that my friend actually has tickets to go see NKOTB in NYC)...I'm focusing on the smaller concerts that get played in smaller venues and county fairs. For example, Joan Jett is playing at 'Celebrate Fairfax' which is basically our county fair. I'm actually impressed by the line-up they have secured for the weekend event...they include OK Go (the treadmill video guys), Bowling for Soup (one hit wonders) and Joan Jett (will she play stuff from her first girl group, the Runaways?).

Moving out to the west for another summer concert series - the Loudoun County Summer Music Festival. This music fest kicks off next week with...hold your breath....Foreigner. They do have other (read: better) acts that are planning to grace their stage like Blues Traveler, REO Speedwagon and Pat Benatar (I just saw the video for "Shadows of the Night' over the weekend).

Coming back into Fairfax County, and very close to my home, is Wolf Trap - the indoor/outdoor venue where I was able to see the Cranberries a few years ago. They usually have pretty good names and other interesting shows that they book throughout the summer, like the Louisiana Swamp Romp or Rent. I like to think that they book musical acts that are on the cusp of 'has been' status or not total mainstream - like Ben Folds (where's the Five?), Kenny G, Anita Baker, a Peter Cetera-less Chicago ...and the one I'm most looking forward to and hoping to go see...Donna Summer. I love her - I have her VH1 Live in Concert CD and I've played it so much that the disc has scratches...but no matter...she proves, disco is not completely dead!

I try to stay away from the arena tours, although a part of me does want to go see Heart, Cheap Trick and Journey....but without Steven Perry, it just wouldn't be the same. And I've seen Heart headlining by themselves and they aren't big into their 80s tunes - more of the 70s (think Dreamboat Annie or Bebe LeStrange) and the more recent stuff that I am not familiar with. Sure Coldplay will be at Verizon Center and it is enticing but I believe it coincides in the same week as Donna Summer (I choose Donna hands down) and maybe, just maybe, I'll go out to sing along with George Michael at the end of July.

I say, nothing screams summer like some good Donna Summer! Can I get an 'Amen?!'

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Who's Married to Her??

This afternoon, I took a little break from my lovely "office" at the Hawthorne Suites. Now don't get excited. It was just a run to Target for contact lens solution and whatever other random stuff I might come across while there (oh yeah, and Shawn requested that I pick up some Stride spearmint gum (very specific)). When I got to the eye care aisle, I had to scoot past a woman with a cart, small child in tow (now if this had been Wal-Mart, I would have simply backed up and tried to get to the contact solution from the other end, seeing as how even two women under 150 pounds cannot possibly squeeze into the width of a Wal-Mart aisle (I must note that this woman, however, was well over that weight - not fat - just very very tall and solid)).

You wouldn't think this woman's size would be relevant to this story, given that I was able to retrieve the desired Target-brand contact solution with no problem. But I promise it is (stay with me . . .). As I reached for the solution, I heard a very loud instrumental version of Carrie Underwood's monster country crossover hit, "Before He Cheats." At first I didn't think anything of it. After all, we were not far from the music section. Somebody probably just hit a button on one of those CD sample displays. But oh no. "Before He Cheats" is this woman's ring tone!

Because I am 100% nosy, I took a little extra time in that aisle. I had to see who was on the other end of the phone. If it were a girlfriend calling, perhaps, the ring tone might be a little funny. Okay, you're a Carrie Underwood fan. Whatever. People made fun of me for my very stellar choice of the theme to "Beverly Hills Cop." But when she ended the call, there it was: an unmistakable "I love you, honey. Goodbye."

It got me thinking. Does this poor guy have any idea of the song that comes up when he calls? And if he doesn't, I feel like we should warn him. If he cheats, not only is he going to have all four of the tires slashed on his pretty little four-wheel drive, but unless he has the stature of Paul Bunyan, that woman is going to beat him to a bloody pulp. Think before he cheats, indeed!

Monday, May 19, 2008

You Can Never Have Too Many....

BAGS! I love tote bags - I have been gifted with several over my adult years, I have gifted others with totes (ie - bridal party), and if they're on display, I'm always looking. You might be asking yourself, 'How many totes does one person need?' That's a good question cause I actually don't think you can have too many.

The beauty of the tote is that it comes in so many styles and it can also be a reflection of your own personal style. I have a Martha Stewart one my friend gave me that I used to carry around to the beach and to softball games. I have a Burberry tote I use for dance class. And most recently, I just purchased an Ella Vickers tote at the Wine and Food Festival I just attended (at the National Harbor) that I'm totally in love with.

Ella Vickers uses recycled sailcloth to make all types of bags - travel duffles, tote bags, purses, messenger name it, she probably makes it. Her display is what drew me in - bags! And as I got closer to her stall, I read that it was all made from recycled sail cloth and machine washable and just very cool designs. The cool part about the designs is that some of the bags have numbers on them - so it became a hunt to see if she had a bag with my favorite number. Lo and behold she did - the #8 - but it was in green. I don't normally lean towards green for anything but the more I carried in around, the more I loved it cause it was so different yet so cool. And she was quite popular of all the vendors because by the end of the day, it looked like she sold off A LOT of her stock.

It's a great gift idea - especially for the nautical set. And if you happen to catch her display at a show, the prices are slashed - so it's definitely worth it! The bags are durable, easy to clean and just plain cool.

Hope you love them as much as I do!