Thursday, October 23, 2008

Life's Simple Answer: You're Crazy!

I was flipping through the morning radio shows this morning, when my regular station when to commercial break and came across the area's Top 40 POP station. Their morning show is AWFUL, in my opinion. I can't stand the hosts and I just think it's really crude that their idea of a good morning show is to have people call in with their problems and the show hosts getting involved. Like - a girl calls in because she knows her boyfriend cheated on her and she wants to confront him. So what do they do - the show hosts call the boyfriend and make him confess on air. How stupid is that?

Well this morning should've been a < 5 minute segment with one particular caller. It was an older woman - I would've put her in her mid-late 40s. First of all, it's pretty pathetic that you're that old and calling a Top 40 POP station. She called because her former business partner used to be her fiance. Well, he called off the wedding and she is now selling her business and because she stands to make a good profit, she wants to know if he deserves any of it since he helped start the business? That seemed like a question for Dear Abby, really. But that is beside the point - that was only one of her burning questions. Her other question was why he called off the engagement. He apparently had kids that came to visit her a lot and the kids seemed to really like her back then. But since the engagement was called off, she doesn't see the kids very much and they don't seem to like her all that much anymore - she has a feeling that their real mother is brainwashing them.

Ahh - paranoia. But it's not paranoia that is this woman's problem.
It's so simple, actually - I don't understand how she doesn't get it.
Dear Abby first - does he deserve any of the profit you stand to make off selling your business? It would definitely be a nice gesture to give him something since he helped you so much.
Next - You wanna know why he called off the engagement? It's because you're 40-something years old calling a Top 40 Morning Show to air your grievances.
And why don't the kids come see you or seem to like you anymore?
For one, because he called off the engagement - why would his kids come to see you anymore? And secondly, because you're 40-something years old calling a Top 40 Morning show to air your grievances.
In a nutshell - you're crazy!
Deal with it!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Logo Loco

Logos are everywhere - they're on webpages, billboards, buildings, tee shirts, coffee mugs - you name it, a logo can probably be placed on it.

There are logos that make sense - probably the ones that make the most sense are just those ones that are made out of the company's initials like the 'B' for Blogger or the 'Y!' for Yahoo!. Then there are name logos like Google written in different colors or the oval with 'Post' written in script. Finally - there are the graphic logos - like the circular fox for 'Firefox' or the white outline of an eagle on a blue backdrop for the United States Post office. All easily identifiable - all make sense.

But then you get some logos that you just can't make heads or tails out of. On my way to work today, I passed a commercial van - the company was 'All Kinds of Flooring' and their logo was a cityscape coming out of a suitcase. I didn't get it. At first, I thought it was rolls of carpets coming out of a suitcase - which would've made sense. But then I was wondering if they provided hardwood and how they would depict that. Upon further inspection, however, I saw it was a city - and that led me to thinking - what do skyscrapers have to do with flooring? AND when do you see a flooring person with a suitcase? I'm wondering if they only did commercial flooring - hence the reason for the cityscape coming out of the suitcase - that's the only logical explanation I can think of.

In conclusion, I feel that if I have to think about what it all means, then your logo is no good.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Just How Far Do Bridezillas Go?

They are the craziest of the crazed. They are oftentimes under extreme stress and confronting uncooperative peers. They even have their own show on cable. They are....BRIDEZILLAS!

I haven't watched the show -I always pass by it on the Channel Guide thinking that I don't need to watch that kind of dra-mah. But what made me think about Bridezillas was actually the final challenge of Project Runway - creating a bridesmaid's dress to accompany the wedding dress each finalist had to design.

I actually thought all three finalists' dresses were very nice however, only one of the three, in my opinion, could be versatile enough to fit women of various sizes. That one was Korto's. I feel like halters could work for any person and I really didn't think it was as bad as the judges made it out to seem - but their negative feedback was probably related to the "mess" that was her wedding dress.

The other two bridesmaids dresses, by Kenley and Leanne - although beautiful - not very versatile for all body types.

Which leads me to this question about Bridezillas - have there been bridezillas that have gone so far as to leave out a family member (sibling), close friend, etc from their wedding party because they didn't fit the 'skinny' mold of what their wedding should look like? I mean how does that talk go if you have an overweight sister - 'Umm, hey're practically my best friend but my wedding party needs to look glamorous so I can't have you in my wedding - unless you can lose 50 lbs. in the next 10 months.'
I'm sure there are brides like that all over the place - and I know there are brides that struggle when they do have their closest friends/relatives in the wedding party and they just span the whole range of the size chart. I knew one bride that had three bridesmaids - they were a size 6, 10 and about a range. So I suggested she go with a halter dress - as those seem to be flattering on all sizes.

I know there are Bridezillas out there that go crazy for a pluthera of other reasons, but I think this one - leaving out siblings/family members from the bridal party because they are overweight, would be an extreme. Then again, it's been awhile since I was a bride and none of my friends (thank goodness) are/were maybe I'll just to tune in to see how far these Bridezillas actually go in their ranting, ravings and demands.