Friday, June 6, 2008

Mickey D's, 2K8

Like every "normal" kid in America, I grew up eating McDonald's. Admittedly, Ronald McDonald scared me at first - hello, male adult clown with red hair and abnormally large feet - but I grew to love him. I even had a Ronald McDonald doll that I probably got rid of shortly after watching Poltergeist or something....but who wouldn't enjoy some good chicken nuggets or a simple hamburger with some hot fries? And the best part of McDonald's back in the day? Orange drink! I remember getting those at school for field days and at Chinese school on special occassions. After a few cups of orange drink, not only do you leave satisfied, but with a nice, orange mustache - yum!

Due to obvious health reasons (not exactly healthy eating at the McD's) - I laid off of McDonald's for awhile - it became more of a once a month treat, if that. But this year, I think I'm learning to love McD's again...why? They've got some good, new stuff on their menu.

For instance, they now have sweetened's nothing special and it tastes just like regular iced-tea with some sweet and low added but for some reason, it's really hits the spot. They got three new chicken snack wraps - my favorite is the grilled chicken ranch snack wrap. It's good and it's really doesn't fill you up but it definitely satisfies.

The newest item they've been pushing to the public is this southwest chicken they have - you can have it for breakfast, in a biscuit, or for lunch, on a bun with pickles. I had it for breakfast first and it was SO good. I raved about it to my husband and my friends....I did feel a little guilty having chicken for breakfast but when it's put in a biscuit, that's breakfast! My husband isn't so convinced it's great - but I like it and that's all that matters. I finally had the southwest chicken sandwich for lunch this past week - it wasn't as good...the pickles definitely do nothing to improve it - just makes it more lunch-like. But I had my pickles separately and then gobbled down the sandwich.

I definitely prefer the breakfast chicken over the lunch chicken - but every time I hear McDonald's new radio commercial about the southwest chicken sandwich and the girl says, 'Whoever came up with this - I want to shake their hand.'
My response? 'Me too, sister!'

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Airports = Good People Watching

Apologies to readers for the delays in posting - I have been traveling for work and my partner in crime has been busy packing and moving. But I figured I'd better sneak in a good mid-week post....and it's all about my time at the airport.

Airports are great places for people watching, if you like that sort of thing. During the early morning and late day hours of the weekday, airports are usually filled with business travelers. But now with the summer season starting, you can find any type of species at the airport - student travelers, group tours, natives, foreigners, and family vacays.

With so many people roaming around the airport, you see a lot of things. For instance, I saw a woman that wore boots with no socks...this was in the security line, of course. She had taken off her 'cowboy' boots to run through the X-ray machine and when she went to go find a bench to put them back on, I noticed she wasn't wearing socks. This grossed me out.

While standing online at security and zig-zagging my way through, I noticed a woman that might have had a lawsuit pending on the work that was done to her face - at least I hope she had a lawsuit pending. Words would be hard to describe what I saw but I will certainly try as I wasn't fortunate enough to get a picture and to do so would've been too obvious. Let's start from the top - jet black hair...long...think Elvira, but not as nicely coiffed as that. Eyebrows - drawn in with big black bulbs towards the center and thinned out the farther you go, but uneven. Skin - leather. Eyes - bulging, with the most horrendous eye you really color beneath the brows, skip the middle and go into the lids? Nose - fake. Lips - botox. Put together, it was a mess. But she came with her own size Double FF (my guess) flotation devices...good for her.

Those are just two of the people that really stood out in my mind....I did see a lot of Asian tourists, happily chomping away at their McDonald's meals! In fact, I saw a lot of Asian tourists in Chicago (that's where I was) itself...I know they have a fairly large Asian population but it was odd to me that there were all these tours going through the city full of Asians - especially at Harry Caray's....I wonder if they got some kind of deal? Cause I usually equate the Asian tourists to DC, NYC, Vegas, LA or San Fran....but I guess there's a lot to do in Chicago.

So next time you're at an airport, look around you - you'll be amazed at all the accents, passports and types of people you're surrounded by.