Thursday, June 14, 2007

The 'Not So Obvious' Hunk

So I had started this other post when I first read that Dermot Mulroney and Katherine Keener were divorcing a couple of days ago but I don't think it relayed my sentiments very well so I'm giving it another stab since the thought was sparked by Amy's post about how Dermot Mulroney has something about him that makes him attractive.
With People Magazine coming out with their 'Hottest Bachelors' list this weekend, I decided that maybe (just maybe) we should pay tribute to those that will not be pictured in this weekend's 'Hottest Bachelors' issue.
Daniel Craig is a 'Not So Obvious' hunk to me. (But I think a bunch of ladies all over the world would disagree with me since 'Casino Royale' has been out.) He's not conventionally good looking, like Brad Pitt or David Beckham. But there's just something about him that puts that silly looking grin on my face whenever I see him...sigh!
Dermot Mulroney fits in this category as well - often overlooked when a bunch of girlfriends are sitting together talking about hot men unless a picture of him is right in front of you and then you remember....'oh yeah, Dermot.' I might even throw him in the 'ruggedly handsome' category...but he's handsome nonetheless.
There are a ton of 'not so obvious' hunks out there - I wonder when People Magazine will have an issue dedicated to them.


  1. Your post has got me thinking who would make that list...

    What do you think of Adam Levine from Maroon 5? I only have him on the brain b/c we saw him on Howard TV last night. He's cute in a not so obvious way...but I wouldn't say he's hunky. And he talks to him would be like dating another girl.

  2. One person immediately came to mind for me: Adrien Brody. That guy's got a serious schnoz. But there is still something very attractive about him.

  3. Adam Levine is geeky hunk - smaller than your average hunk but still attractive in a geeky sort of way (in my opinion).
    Adrien Brody - i think it's his eyes.

  4. What about Paul Rudd? Saw him on the Daily Show promoting Knocked Up and he looked really he's lost some weight. It also helped that he was all decked in a tux.

  5. I just saw Paul Rudd in Clueless the other day - he was really cute in the movie. I think Adam Levine is attractive but there is something about him that really annoys me.

  6. Brett wants that shirt for '40-Year Old Virgin' that Paul Rudd wears - the shirt with a picture of himself on it with a beard.

  7. That's funny...
    If Mr. Brett really wants...Joe can work that up in photoshop...then you can find a place to print the t-shirt.

  8. I freaking love Paul Rudd. Ever since Clueless. Hot!! And WAY adorable in Knocked Up. Good to see he's still got it, unlike, say, Cary Elwes and Val Kilmer.
