Even though I now live in Virginia and have been living here for the past six years, I will still only go to Donnie. That's a bond that I'm just not willing to break. My friends and co-workers have gotten use to the fact that Donnie is the only one allowed to take a pair of scissors to my hair. When my co-workers hear that I'm taking a day off (usually Friday) to go up to NY/NJ, they'll say, 'Haircut?' And I'll say, 'Yes.'
I will admit that I was scared of Donnie when he first started cutting my hair. In my pre-teens, I wasn't exactly 'in the know' about the stereotypes of male hairdressers...oddly enough, I think I totally knew about the stereotypes of male airline stewards. Anyway, Donnie was definitely nice - and he probably liked my hair because it was thick, shiny and 'young.' I pretty much gave him free reign to do what he wanted to do...he knew. He knew what needed to be done. As the years went on, all I needed to do was show up, say 'Help!' and he would get busy cutting my hair into something that I would be happy with. Admittedly, there are probably less than five times (in a span of 20 years, remember) in which I was not happy with what Donnie did....the last time I was upset with his cut, which was less than three years ago, I thought I had a fe-mullet - in 2006! But in about a month, it grew out into something that I totally loved. So even though I didn't LOVE what he did at the salon, he had the foresight to know what it would turn out like - and I also knew that I could go to him and say, 'Let's not go that short again - just trim this.'
Most people get their haircut once every 1-2 months. I am more of a 3-4 times a year...that works for me because it gives me a chance to visit my family and load up on my Chinatown routine (Joe's Shanghai, bubble tea, lychee sorbet, ready-made Chinese food). When I'm in the salon with Donnie, we talk about music - the good old stuff like Depeche Mode, Erasure, Pet Shop Boys - summer plans, vacations, celebrities and we sing to Madonna and Donna Summer. When Madonna's 'Confessions on a Dance Floor' came out, he would cut the Hot 97 playing over the salon speakers and throw on some Madonna and we would jam through my cut-duration.

There was this one incident where I had an appointment with him -I can't remember if he was running behind or what but I had been waiting for over an hour after my appointment time to get my haircut- and my sister and nephew were with me.

I always said that if I became famous and/or went on tour for something, Donnie would be my main hair dresser - he would be my Ken Paves!