Thursday, June 14, 2007

No Fair!!

From the Washington Post:

"Ryan Gosling with a large party enjoying shrimp brochettes, fajitas and a mariachi band at Dupont's Lauriol Plaza Tuesday night. The heartthrob Oscar nominee was in town for two days of lobbying on the crisis in northern Uganda, a cause now catching up to Darfur in terms of drawing Hollywood firepower. Tall for a movie star."

First, my friend Jen N. runs into Drew Barrymore in Dupont Circle. Then, Jen Liu runs into PRINCE!! in London. When is it going to be my turn??! My George Costanza sighting from 4 years ago just isn't enough to keep me going.


  1. George Constanza must not be too hard to find. I saw him on the streets of LA when I was visiting my ex-roommate.

    One time when I was in NY, I saw David Spade.

    My celebrity sightings are so not exciting! =(

  2. I'm still waiting to see Angelina in DC - she's always here fighting the good fight for her causes and I guess her and Maddox like to go to the Air and Space crazy is that to just be in there and run into those two?

  3. I just see ppl from Food Network...and I'm usually the only who recognizes them. The last memorable sighting I had was Simon Doonan aka the director of Barney's windows, sometime commentator on VH1 clip shows, and Jonathan Adler's (see you later, Decorator) partner. He's tiny!

  4. John totally reminded me today that he had the best celebrity sighting/run-in. When our son Toph was in the NICU, he met Lucy Liu who was visiting her friend's baby. For those of you who know John, it's not so surprising to hear that he actually went up to her to say hi and to tell her that he loved her in "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle". Lucy Liu actually came over to see Toph in his little crib and she held him too. Of course, we didn't have a camera to capture the whole thing!

  5. New one: Jared. From the Subway commercials. On my flight to Indianapolis. He rode coach??? Someone in my meeting suggested perhaps he still gets excited over finally being able to fit into the coach seats? I know - very mean. But it did make me chuckle. The people in my meeting asked if anyone asked for his autograph. I think that's pretty rough if you're asking for Jared from Subway's autograph. I mean, I'm sure he's nice and all, but that's pretty far down in the celebrity food chain. I'm just sayin.
