Thursday, April 3, 2008

Counterpoint: Dentists are A-Ok!

I know I am in the minority, but I much prefer the dentist to the doctor. Any doctor. I've had my wisdom teeth out (all four impacted, thank you very much) and surgery to have some regular molars extracted before getting braces (roots fused to my jaw bone). I didn't even mind the dentist then.

I have had cavities filled with no laughing gas. Sure, they were on the small side, but who's counting? It is a badge of honor. True, the drilling sound is a little annoying (and much more so when you're not high on laughing gas), but I like to show the dentist I'm tough! (this is in sharp contrast to the doctor, where I cannot have a vile of blood drawn without getting lightheaded or even my blood pressure taken without turning white as a sheet). What I'm saying is that I don't generally have a high tolerance for pain, but for some reason I don't mind it when it comes to my teeth. I relish my bravery!

When I went to the dentist last week, there was 70's music playing in the background. I thought, "How did they know how much I look forward to 70's music at the dentist?" I secretly asked for it, and they delivered. Nothing says the dentist like the Bee Gees! Oh - and I look forward to the lead apron they put on me when they take x-rays. It's so cozy to feel that perfectly distributed weight on me while I'm just lying there in the chair. Relaxation.

But you know what my favorite part of the dentist is?

They don't weigh me.

I Hate the Dentist

Going to the doctor is really not a problem for me- family practitioner, neurologist, the OB - but don't make me go to the dentist. I think in the category of doctors, dentists are my least favorite on the list. This probably stems from the fact that I don't have the "healthiest" set of teeth. Don't get my wrong - I don't have teeth falling out every other day and you don't see any visible decay - I'm just saying from a young age, I had two root canals (19 years old), two more a few years ago and some cavities here and there (that have been patched up). Fortunately, I was one of the lucky ones that didn't have to suffer through the pain of braces or else I'm sure orthodontists would be on my 'least favorite' list as well.

I have always hated going to the dentist and it is of no fault of the dentist himself. I have had really nice dentists through my life. I just don't make it a habit to see them two times a year, as suggested.

I currently have a nice dentist with some of the latest technologies in his office. He's offered to give me glasses that lets me watch a movie while he works on my teeth. He has good music on and he's very friendly. All that doesn't take away from the fact that I was pretty traumatized by the root canals I had done with him. Nothing was his fault - it just spanned multiple visits and a lot of night my husband had to call him to let him know that my whole head was in pain because of the work that was done. And since then, I have hated going to the dentist even MORE than I did before I started going to him.

For the first time in my dentistry history, I came out of the dentist's office with a "clean" bill yesterday - well not exactly clean - the reason I made the appointment was because I chipped my rear molar and I was hoping he could just shave it down and let me go without doing any other work. I also decided to get a cleaning while I was there since it had been a little over a year since my last cleaning. As the dental hygienist was working on cleaning my teeth, I became embarrassed by all the plaque build-up she was scraping at. I was hoping against all hope that this was the worst pain I would feel during the whole visit - and it was. After the dentist came to check on my chipped tooth and everything else, he didn't mention anything about new cavities so I took that as good news. The bad news is that I have to schedule another appointment with him to get the chipped tooth worked on. At first glance, he thought another root canal was in order - but because I have no pain on the tooth and didn't react to really cold water, he is hoping that he could get away with saving most of the tooth and creating an on-lay that would compliment the rest of my tooth.

If he's not concerned about my chipped tooth, then I won't be either. It will probably be another couple of weeks before I go back to get the tooth fixed - scheduling conflicts. But believe you me, I am NOT looking forward to that next visit. Fingers are crossed for no root canal.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

So Many Names...So Little Time

I attended a reception last night with a group of fellow Boilermakers and it turned out to be a success. We were in one of the rooms in the Library of Congress and it was great to see folks that I hadn't seen since the last reception we had a year ago and also some folks that I only saw a few short weeks ago at a couple of local events.

I look forward to these events because I don't have anything to do - no planning, no nothing. Thank goodness. But at the same time, I get a little stressed out because not only was there a line of people waiting to talk to the President of the university and another line for the President of the Alumni Association, there was actually a line of people to talk to me (President of the local club)!

I'm not very outgoing (when I'm sober) so I'm not a go-getter. However, if people approach me to talk, I am more than happy to talk to them. I don't know why that is - I think it's cause I'm shy. So I spoke to some people last night - new and familiar. But it doesn't seem to matter what category each person fits into (new or familiar), I don't always remember names. Thank goodness for name tags but still - if it hadn't been for name tags, I would not know anyone's names - even if they just introduced themselves. For instance, I met a nice, young couple last night and their names were Kate and something not common (her husband). At least I think her name was Kate...and she is supposed to send me an email today...but if it hadn't been for their name tags, I would NOT have remembered their names by the time our brief conversation was over. Horrible.

How do people do it? How do people keep up with the names?

I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing on my behalf because these people don't come to events or outings very often...if you're not in front of my face and talking to me consistently, you can't think that I'd remember your name after a year. At least I hope they don't expect me to...cause I can't. And that just might lead to my downfall as President!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Travelling in Style...Keg Bus Style!

This past weekend was a fun one! A group of friends threw Amanda and her husband a going away party....we knew that part would be a blast...but we added to the excitement by surprising Amanda and her husband with a loosely guided tour of DC on a KEG BUS!

From the outside, the Keg Bus looks like a regular old school bus - maybe not as many windows and the back 'Fire Exit' has been removed. From the inside, it looks like an upscale limo or even a private room in a night club. It's equipped with a bathroom, a couple of sinks, a touch-screen audio/entertainment system, a tap, and a stripper pole. But the funny thing about the keg bus doesn't come with a keg. If you rent this thing, you have to supply your own alcohol. No big deal for this group, but it is pretty ironic that you're on this vehicle called the 'Keg' bus and we had to make an emergency stop at the liquor store to fill up on more beer.

Anyways - we had a blast riding around DC during the busiest time of year - the first day of the Cherry Blossom Festival. But that didn't stop this bus from going to the tourist spots - we took pictures in front of the Washington Monument, the WWII Memorial, headed over to the Capitol (where we learned that circumcision leads to brain damage), Eastern Market and then back at our final destination - the Bottom Line.

All in all, a great time was had by all. We unintentionally left someone behind at the liquor store (we got her back though) and all the boys were just having a field day with the protesters in front of the Capitol building with their Circumcision warnings and 'Don't Snip the Tip' displays. I mean, we stopped at the Capitol to take some pictures because it's a beautiful building to one side and if you turn around, you have a great view of the mall on the other side...but no, more pictures were snapped of the boys running towards the display and in front of the display (see right) than of the actual buildings themselves...oh well.

And the Keg Bus driver was right - the stripper pole is used more by guys than gals. Go figure!