Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Resolutions: Broken Promises and Unfulfilled Goals

Happy New Year, Everyone!
I have learned long ago that there's really no point in having New Year's Resolutions. If I do have to talk about resolutions, it's usually in a joking manner and it's usually some short term goal - try and help out more around the house or tell my husband 'I love him' more often. Well I do the latter all the time already so not really a resolution.

Back in the day, I had the same lofty resolutions that many people in the world have - hit the gym more, lose weight, eat healthier, shop less, etc. I don't think I could eat any healthier now if I tried and although I know I do have to hit the gym again, it's not in an attempt to lose weight but keep myself in shape to deliver these little Niblets in about 4-5 months. When I did set those 'lose weight' goals for myself, back in the day, I did lose weight, only to gain some of it back later in the year or later the next year. I think after the fourth time of doing this, I figured, 'What's the point?!'

Therefore, for 2009, I do not have any resolutions to speak of. I do have personal goals I'd like to meet which is to deliver two healthy, happy babies and to get back to my pre-pregnancy body, and maybe even a BETTER body (like that of a Victoria's Secret model - lofty goals, remember?!).

I'm looking forward to the year ahead - we're doubling our family and it's something we've been waiting for for quite a long time - so I'm looking forward to the big change that is about to take place. I'm looking forward to finally meeting these kids that are 'baking' in my belly and being able to hold, touch and love them in person.

Hope you all have a wonderful 2009!