Thursday, June 14, 2007

I Feel Pretty...So What?!

I like to dress nice when I go to work eventhough our office is business casual (although in the summer, it looks like a day at the ballpark for some). I don't come to work in suits or anything - just summer dresses, nice heels or flowy skirts with cute sandals. I mean isn't summer the time where you get to show off your arms and legs and perfectly manicured toes? Or in my case, my farmer tan, sock lines and bruised legs from softball?
So today I donned a new silk, trapeze dress I got from Nordstrom. It's cute with big flower prints and I threw a black cardigan over it because 1) it's kind of chilly today and 2) to make it more work-friendly.
From my own group, who are used to my form of dress and know that I LOVE fashion, I've received several compliments already. It's nice to get compliments. But then I went to get a drink at the cafeteria and I got some strange looks from women. I got the feeling that they thought I was overdressed.
What do I say to that....'So What?!' I feel pretty, oh so pretty....(ok, i'll stop there with the song & dance).
There are plenty of women in this office that don't dress nice enough and we're supposed to be IT professionals. Instead, I see frumpy and dumpy coming down the halls and I kind of roll my eyes and think 'they're just screaming for a makeover.' I wouldn't want to go through the censure that I put others through so therefore, I dress nice - maybe it's a little too nice but I don't care cause I feel good and feeling good is half the battle - Yo Joe (what? wait....whatever).


  1. It's nice to get compliments. The women who are looking at you with disdain are just jealous that all they have in their wardrobes are cloud jeans and t-shirts. =P

  2. I'm with you. I dressed up just about every day in law school. I was the exception, but I treated it like a job. And then when I would wear jeans, they were extra special. Same with my job in Texas - we could wear jeans every day of the week. Heck, we could wear shorts. But I always saved my jeans for Fridays. It's a slippery slope when you start getting sloppy. I made some comment to my mom when she was raving about these super comfortable shoes. I said, "Pretty soon, you're going to be hanging around in sweatpants all of the time." Her response: "If I ever get to that point, please shoot me." The thing is, I'm pretty sure she was serious.

  3. P.S. Nice "West Side Story" reference. It reminds me of hanging out with my friend Anita in Austin. Whenever we would get ready for a night on the town, I couldn't help but sing, "Anita's gonna get her kicks tonight!!"

  4. I wear skirts and dresses and all to work in the summer also. I mean, when else are we suppose to wear these clothes??? a ball game or a star wars convention? I think it is very inappropriate for people to wear shorts, t's, jimmys, and/or flip flops to work, unless you work at Subway.

  5. They are just jealous that you look great all the time and they just roll out of bed. Keep being the bombshell you are!
