Friday, December 21, 2007

Happy Ha-Ha-Holidays!

Well - it's finally that time of year - Christmas! Christmas is less than four days away and travelers are bracing themselves for flight delays, traffic delays, any other kind of delays - but really, isn't it all worth it when you finally get to your destination and spend those precious moments with your loved ones? Perhaps....

In terms of holidays, this year had a couple of firsts for me - the first Thanksgiving without any family and the first Christmas I will be spending away from extended family and in the new house! I'm very excited...although really not looking forward to the drive to and from New Jersey for the weekend.

The cupcakes will be back next week with some more posts - maybe a recap of all the cool gifts we got and some good family stories. Maybe one of us will surprise you with a posting during the holidays - but don't hold your breath!

Until next week...
Merry Christmas
Happy Kwanzaa and

Happy Belated Chanukah, Hannukah, know what I mean!
(not all five cupcakes were consumed during the duration of the night the photos were taken...possibly three but not five)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Opening the Floodgates . . .

I am a dangerous shopper. I am. I am terrible. That impulse purchase bin by the checkout? I have a sneaking suspicion that when the marketers came up with that, they were thinking of me. And here's why - once I have decided to go through the effort of purchasing something in a store - of taking something up to the register and pulling out the old credit card - the floodgates are wide open. What's one more item on the pile? I can't tell you the number of earrings, headbands, necklaces, and hair ties that I acquired from the impulse bin that simply sit in a drawer, hoping against hope that they will one day see the outside of my bedroom.

I have also opened up the floodgates when it comes to the more designer items. Case in point: I remember buying my first Coach purse. Granted, Coach is not top of the line as far as designer bags are concerned. But at a guaranteed $100+ per bag, Coach is nothing to sneer at. I used to be quite content with my Nine West and XOXO purses. Sadly, those days are over. Even though I swore when I bought the first Coach purse, "it will just be this one time," it wasn't. Once I started getting into the more expensive bags, I just couldn't go back. What is wrong with me? It's just a purse!

Is there hope for me? I sure hope so. Right now my only saving grace is that I am absolutely capable of walking out of a store with nothing. I do it quite often. If I keep those floodgates closed, I am home free. I need to remind myself of those times. I need to remember that for everything I bring home, I have to find a place to put it. That should be disincentive enough.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Oopsie - It's Starting for the Littlest Spears

Just when you thought you had enough of Britney Spears and what seems to be her train wreck of a life, now comes the latest news that her 16 year old sister, Jamie Lynn - supposedly the most conscientious of all the Spears children- is now preggers...with a the age of 16.

Yes - Jamie Lynn announced to a magazine that she was indeed about 12-weeks pregnant with the baby of her 19-year old boyfriend. They've been dating for awhile. I'd like to know the definition of awhile because when you're 16, awhile could mean three months. But I'm thinking it's more like a year, which would've put her dating this boy at the age of 15. Let me tell you - when I was 15, I was so excited that I had a year to go before I could get my learner's permit. When I was 16, I was so excited about finally getting behind the wheel and a year away from getting my driver's license.

Here are the ironical points. Jamie Lynn and boyfriend supposedly met in a church group - apparently the church was not big on teaching abstinence or sex out of wed lock. Secondly, by naming her 19-year old boyfriend as the baby daddy, doesn't that make him a target of statutory rape since she's only 16? Finally, her mother, Lynn, was supposed to be putting out a book about parenting via a Christian group - that book is on hold. I really don't think I want to be learning any parenting skills from this woman - even if this situation with Jamie Lynn didn't happen, you still have that other disappointment named, Britney.

Of course all the gossips are going crazy because you can only focus on one Spears child at a time. I had heard on the radio this morning that she supposedly had another pregnancy scare prior to this one....wouldn't the first time have taught you to either be more careful or use some protection or just not do it? Jamie Lynn goes on to say in the interview, probably in order to appease her teen and tween fans that other people should wait to have sex. Yes - thank you Jamie Lynn for making an example of yourself and showing the rest of the tween/teen world that having sex at 16 does have consequences: pregnancy.

You know what they say - hindsight is always 20/20.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Just Some Casual Sex....

I have been weening myself off from listening to my iPod in the car at every moment to going back to morning radio talk shows. Prior to becoming obsessed with my iPod, I would listen to Elliot in the Morning on DC101. My favorite was always during football season when he would talk to Boomer Esiason on Friday mornings. Now I'm just getting back into the swing of things and he's no longer getting the football report from Boomer - that was disappointing to learn.

So this morning, I was driving into work, listening to the topic at hand - getting kicked out of a car on the highway or in the middle of nowhere, and getting left there. The topic came up because over the weekend, Elliot was driving along 395 in traffic and saw a car pulled over to the side with a man and a woman out of the car just yelling at each other. By the time he came up to the car, he asked his wife to roll down the window and heard the man say, 'F* you!' and jump in the car and drive off without the woman. That story really got the phone lines going. Elliot had to eventually go on a commercial break and due to my hatred of commercials, I started channel surfing.

That brought me to Hot 99.5 where they just started a new topic about naughty things that come out of Holiday parties. Being that we were at two of them this past weekend, I was interested in hearing how other people's parties went. I have to say the naughtiest thing that happened at any of my Holiday parties - I played Guitar Hero for the first time at one and at the other, there was sexy underwear in the White Elephant gift exchange...pretty boring compared to the woman that called into the show.

This woman called to tell the Hot 99.5 listening audience and it's DJs that she had sex with a guy she had a childhood crush on. Apparently, they were at some holiday party and they were making googly eyes at each other and finally did something about it - they went to the restrooms and had 20 minutes of heavy petting. 'That was just a teaser,' said the woman. But she continued by saying 20 minutes later, they were back in the restroom and did a wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Done deal. She had justified the interlude by saying she had the BIGGEST crush on this guy during school. Ok. Next obvious question - 'So are you in a relationship with anyone?' Her response: 'Yeah, I'm married.'


And this is pretty much how the rest of the conversation goes:
DJ: You're married?
Woman: Yes.
DJ: Does your husband know?
Woman: Oh God, no.
DJ: What would happen if he found out?
Woman: He'd be furious.
DJ: How long have you been married and do you have kids?
Woman: Five years and we have three kids.
DJ: Are you going to tell your husband?
Woman: No - but I'm trying to work up to getting him to bed other women.
DJ: How long have you been working or thinking about that?
Woman: In the last six months.
DJ: So was this your first time doing this kind of thing at a holiday party?
Woman: Well (pause) Um, not at a holiday party.
DJ: Spill.
Woman: There was another guy I had a crush on in school (are you sensing a pattern here?)...
DJ: Well, I think I went to school with you - I'll be right over.

And so on and so forth. It didn't last much longer than that but I was pretty appalled. This woman had ZERO remorse for anything she did. I think that's what shocked me the most - that she was calling into a radio station to pretty much brag that she's cheated on her husband...multiple times. In fact, it got me to wondering if any of her three kids are actually her husband's. I couldn't believe it. Is nothing sacred anymore - you would think marriage vows have to be up there as one of the more sacred promises.

She must've had her fingers crossed at the part where she promised to love, honor and obey...holy geez!