When her song, 'See You Again' came out a few months ago, I thought, 'Hmmm...this is pretty catchy.' Of course I'm not a big fan of lyrics that include the singer's own name...like when she sings in the chorus, 'My best friend, Leslie, said, 'Oh she's just being Miley.' That part I find a little gay. (Ugh, I even talk like a 15-year old!) But other than that, I like it. It's got a good beat and although it doesn't make me want to get up and dance like a Solid Gold Dancer, it's still got a good beat to drive to, work to, and/or workout to.
Whenever the song came on the radio and my husband was in the car, he begged me to change it. He usually does this for pop songs in general...but if I was driving...no way...it's driver's choice. The song stayed on. When he was driving, no such luck. But if I was alone in the car, sometimes I secretly wished it would come on just so I could enjoy it.
About a month after it really hit the airwaves, I was sitting in a sports bar having dinner and the DJ played it. (They always have music on over the games.) And when it came on, I started bee-bopping to it. The waitress/bartender came by, saw me...I saw her....she was bee-bopping to it too.
Then she said, 'I kinda like this song.'
I replied, 'Me too.'
She said, 'But I haven't made it as far to download it on iTunes.'
I replied, 'Yeah, me too.'
It's a guilty pleasure, I guess.
When I was working from home a few weeks ago, I caught her on Good Morning, America...giving her Friday concert in Central Park. Two weeks later, again while working from home, I found out she was going to be on the Today Show for their Friday morning concert series. I was secretly excited because I was pretty impressed with her GMA showing. So while I was working, I caught Miley in concert - she sang her new song, 'Seven Things I Hate About You.' A little mouthy -but it's a decent song. It's no 'See You Again' but I'll take it.

I won't be going to her concert anytime soon - I'm not THAT obsessed with her that I'm willing to battle over-eager parents and screaming tween girls to see her live. And if I did happen to go to her concert, I would feel like I'd have to borrow some teenage girls to mask my excitement. But I did finally break down and download 'See You Again' on iTunes.
On an even more positive note, I'm sure the best thing to come from Miley Cyrus is the fact that her dad, Billy Ray, got a second chance at celebrity stardom. Now he can forever be known as Billy Ray Cyrus - he played a doctor on some show on the PAX channel, hosted Nashville Star, dabbled with Dancing with the Stars, father to Miley and most importantly, one hit wonder. Cause having one hit wonder as your only claim to fame just seems so sad.