Sunday, August 5, 2007

I Recommend

I don't know anyone growing up who didn't get excited about school being out for the summer. I was no exception. But even though "school" was over, one of the things I really looked forward to at the start of summer was the "summer reading list." I couldn't help it, I was just a little bookworm (don't get me wrong - I could still watch the Smurfs for hours and was not one of those scary kids who only played indoors). I couldn't wait to hit the library to pick out my books. In some ways, I have carried on the tradition and find I crave reading material in the summer months.

Most of the time, I am disappointed. As much as I love crap t.v., I expect a little more out of the books I read. And this is a hard expectation to meet, as I am typically tempted by titles falling into the "chick lit" genre. I recently picked up "Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married," for example, and I confess I found it kind of crummy. Same thing for this book called "Bookends." That one couldn't end fast enough. But when I was picking up my 3 for the price of 2 novels at Borders a few weeks ago, I happened upon a book entitled, "Love Walked In," by Marisa de los Santos. The cover kind of resembles the cover to "The Time Traveler's Wife" - it shows a girl from about the waist down, focusing on her skirt, knee socks and her mary janes. One of the raves on the back cover was from Sarah Jessica Parker, and that was enough for me. I started reading and finished the book a few days ago, and I was in love. You know the kind of book that you want to keep around to reread a few of your favorite passages? The kind of book whose characters are still swimming around in your head when you lie down to sleep at night? This is that book. I highly recommend!

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