Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Hey Mon

Dreadlocks are not sexy. I don't understand dreadlocks - maybe (just maybe) they look nice the first day you get them but after a couple of days, it becomes nappy, matted and just plain nasty. How does one wash hair properly if they are in dreads - or do you even wash dreadlocked hair?
I recently saw a couple in one of the elevator bays of my building - they were young...MAYBE college age. The girl was cute - tall and slender. The guy was - well, I couldn't really tell behind his nappy-ass dreadlocks. He might have had a cute face but the hair was so distracting. All I kept thinking was, 'Why would anyone do that to their hair?' and 'How can she stand even kissing him and not being able to run her hands through his hair for fear they'll get tangled and lost in there?'
Thinking back to all the people I've seen with dreadlocks - Adam Duritz from Counting Crows, that guy from Rage Against the Machine, the Bauer's son at Purdue, Vanilla Ice in his 'not so great' years, and the crazy guy from the 7-Eleven (in my previous post)....all of them sported dreads....all of them looked not so good.
I just don't find it attractive - in fact, I find it kind of unsanitary. And what happens when they grow sick of the dreads? Does everything just get chopped off or do you have to try and get a de-tangler to get it back into some kind of order? Can you even get your finger to the scalp if you get an itch? How do you know some small creature is not living amongst your dreads?
So many questions about dreadlocks yet I don't really want to know because I think the look is hideous. No one can look good with dreadlocks...NO ONE!


  1. Your suspicions are correct: they don't wash the dreads. I was in a play once with a guy with dreads, and I had to sit next to him on stage (rehearsals, peformance, etc.), and they were STINKY. I think they put some kind of powder on them, but it does not help the cause.

    I did like Lenny Kravitz' dreads, though - back in the day.

  2. Keith used to have dreads...
