Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I try very hard not to be cynical about the future of our "society." I don't long for the days of yesteryear; I don't whine that I had it rough compared to "kids today." I refuse to believe that "society" is headed down the crapper. But I do have a problem with something I saw on the Today Show this morning: attacking McDonald's for allegedly targeting advertising to children. I'm not knocking the Today Show exactly. It was during the "fluff" 8:00 hour. And the coverage wasn't one sided. Donny Deutsch staunchly defended McDonald's while some frumpy woman in charge of some human interest group gave her sob story about how McDonald's is contributing to the obesity of American children and how it should take responsibility for its role in doing so. I'm sorry, but no. I'm not pinning this one on McDonald's, Lady.

When was the last time little Timmy rode his Big Wheel to McDonald's all by himself and purchased a super-sized value meal with his own money? I'm willing to bet that it was never (and if I'm wrong, we have some bigger problems than childhood obesity at issue here). Advertising or not, there is something comforting about McDonald's food, and I think kids are naturally drawn to it. For me, growing up, it was a treat. And part of the reason it was a treat was because we did not eat McDonald's every day. And you know why we didn't? Because our parents didn't take us there every day. It's no secret that McDonald's is not the picture of health. But I don't think Happy Meals, consumed in moderation, are the devil. Kids enjoy McDonald's because it's tasty. But here's a crazy idea: maybe sometimes parents could just say no.


  1. I saw that piece and I couldn't agree with you more. Angry people are always looking for someone to point the finger at and this time it happens to be McD's.
    Their arguments scream to the illogical. If all those little kids picked out the marked McD's over the unmarked McD's food, don't you think that maybe they've been eating there a little much or they're watching too much TV to relate to those McD's commercials?
    There are ways to control childhood obesity - it usually starts at home....

  2. Well, yeah! And also, I know I would choose the McD marked food too. I know what it tastes like. If I'm going to waste calories on food that is bad for me, I want to make sure it is tasty.
