Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Exciting Times at 7-11

Who says nothing exciting happens at the 7-11? Nobody, really, but I can safely say that Amanda and I can now attest that exciting things DO happen at the 7-11...not inside, but out in the parking lot.
Amanda and I headed to the Arlington 7-11 (off Wilson, for those of you in the same 'hood) for our after-dance Slurpees to cool down. We had to hang out inside for a bit because Amanda's Crystal Light flavor was still in the process of frostifying. Once finished, we filled up our Slurpees and started catching up on the previous week's happenings since Amanda was on vacay. We headed out of the 7-11 and stood by my car, which was parked directly in front of the 7-11 entrance and we stood facing the entire parking lot that also includes a dry cleaner. Amanda was parked in front of the dry cleaner.
So there we are, sipping on our Slurpees, just chatting and then we see a car, parked next to Amanda, start backing up. The driver (we'll call him 'Dreads') stops because another car was illegally parked perpendicular to his car. Dreads starts YELLING for someone to move the car blocking his. The driver of the second car (we'll call him 'Dad') was in 7-11...his wife and daughter were sitting in the car. The daughter finally gets out of the car and proceeds to retrieve Dad from 7-11. She looked too young to drive. While she's doing that, Dreads keeps yelling and eventually gets out of his car and opens the driver side door of Dad's car. I thought Dreads was going to get in and move the car himself...but instead, he bends down and starts yelling at the wife to move the car. My guess at this point was that the wife did not know how to drive. (Slurpee sip here.)
Anyways, the wife gets out of the car (for fear, I'm sure) and heads towards the 7-11. She's halfway there when Dad and daughter come out and start heading for the car. They proceed to their car but Dreads is in their path, looking like a wild man, with his arms swinging in all directions, closed fists. Amanda and I give eachother the, 'Uhhh - he's crazy' look and continue to sip our Slurpees. Dreads continues to yell, Dad starts approaching Dreads, the wife is yelling in Spanish for her husband not to fight and is in complete hysterics. I turn to Amanda and say, 'We are completely helpless. ' (Slurpee sip here.)
Dad is getting pissed that his wife is in the way. Dreads' arms keep flailing and could have easily hit the wife - but she was too worried about her husband getting in a fight. Finally, wife gets out of the way...game on. (Slurpee sip here.) Dreads and Dad circle eachother a few times with some yelling and the first punch goes to Dad - to the chin of Dreads. Dreads then tries to taunt Dad with some 'Karate Kid' hand moves and finally just lands a front kick to Dad's body. Dreads then runs for the side of the dry cleaners - I thought he was fleeing but I didn't hear any sirens. I was later told that he was probably going to look for a weapon....ahhh - wouldn't have guessed that. He returns empty handed, however, and they continue circling eachother until finally Cop 1 arrives. 10 seconds later, Cops 2 and 3 show up. 10 seconds after that, Cop 4 shows up. 15 seconds later, Cops 5 and 6 show up. A few more seconds and we've got Cops 7 and 8 out front. Yes, eight cop cars, total mayhem and Amanda's car is now blocked by cop cars. (Slurpee sip here.) It was like something out of the Blues Brothers - just a bunch of cop cars flying to the 7-11....must've been a "light" crime night in Arlington.
Dreads is handcuffed, Dad is handcuffed - yelling ensues all around...Dreads insists that he was attacked first. Ahhh, Dreads...if only you hadn't provoked Dad. Dreads then attempts to pull out the race card (Dreads is a black man, with nappy-ass dreadlocks) but in discussing it later, Amanda and I were like, 'Yeah, but Dad was Hispanic - doesn't that kind of equal itself out?' (Slurpee sip....what? I'm out of Slurpee....that was supposed to last me my ride home!)
Amanda and I are asked to document what we saw (our statements) and hand it in. I stay with Amanda until her car is no longer blocked by cops and we can both leave 7-11 safely. Not even 5 minutes in the car, on the way home, Amanda calls and we begin to discuss the events that unfolded at the 7-11 - it was so exciting, we agreed. I was hoping to get subpoenaed so I could get a day off work....but I doubt much will come out of it. We shall see.
I will let Amanda convey the story of sweaty cop's misuse of assault vs battery and one of the cops that was flirting with us until he probably figured out we were both married (via me talking to my husband on the phone and Amanda wearing her wedding ring)....


  1. How exciting! You got to give statements. Will I see you on the next episode of Cops? =)

  2. Dear Sweaty Cop with Glasses Who Looks A Little Like a Poor Man's "Shep" From ER But With A Much Bigger Spare Tire:

    assault 1) v. the threat or attempt to strike another, whether successful or not, provided the target is aware of the danger. The assaulter must be reasonably capable of carrying through the attack.

    Don't you tell me "assault" must be physical contact. Looks like you need a refresher course in the basics of criminal law.

