Friday, July 27, 2007

I'm Only a 32-Year-Old White Girl

I learned something new this week. I love coffee. I do not love "Coffee Grinders."

Jen and I take a hip hop class on Monday nights. It's a great workout and the perfect supplement to our Michael Jackson/Guns N' Roses/Prince dance repertoire. There have been highs and lows. A high was when Jen and I got "promoted" from the beginning class to Hip Hop II. We beat out a lady I liked to refer to as "Henry Winkler" for the spots (sorry, I know it's mean, but she totally reminded me of the Fonz). The first low was learning that the Hip Hop II syllabus included some very painful breakdancing. Now, when I first heard "break dancing," I got a little fired up. I'm not going to lie, I had visions of "Billie Jean" (some nice moonwalking, maybe a little "worm"). Instead, we got various shades of Willard in "Footloose" (rest in peace, Chris Penn). In other words, a lot of clumsily moving around on our hands and knees on the floor. We started with the "six step," a maneuver I would never attempt on an actual slab of cardboard. Jen and I went from superstar to remedial in a week (sorry Jen - I don't mean to drag you down with me, but that first Hip Hop II class SUCKED). We begrudgingly eventually got the hang of it.

But this Monday, the instructor unleashed the new beast: the Coffee Grinder. You may have seen Willard do something similar during the prom segment in “Footloose.” The Coffee Grinder involves crouching on the ground with your hands in front of you, extending one leg out to the right or left (depending on the leg) and swinging it all the way around like a compass (and hopping over it when it gets to the other leg). The instructor made us repeat this move on both legs roughly 60 times. Luckily for me, she stopped by to check my form at about rep 48, when I was physically exhausted and barely able to complete the first step of just crouching down. As she stood over me like a drill sergeant, I could barely contain the obscenities I was saying inside my head. And I know I had my bitch face on. All I kept thinking about was Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon, "I'm too old for this." My body agreed. In addition to the absolute muscle hell, I got a nice souvenir of a giant blister on the palm of my left hand. Hmm..... maybe that's why Michael Jackson wore the one glove . . .

1 comment:

  1. Coffee Grinder - also known as the helicopter.
    I just saw Footloose last night and I was like 'Yup - I can do, I can't do that.'
    Yeah - getting into Hip Hop II, although very exciting, did render my arms lifeless.
    And I used to be so good at it - when I weighed a buck and was like 14.
