Tuesday, July 24, 2007

If Death Was Not an Option

So to continue with stories from last Friday night at karaoke, Amanda taught me a new game....'If death was not an option.'
This was the sitch....afraid that we wouldn't have a great place to sit and view the karaoke stage, Amanda and I decided to head over to Rock-It for dinner to secure our spaces for the evening. It wasn't busy at all but there were a few people milling about. Two girls that caught my attention...we'll refer to them as the 'Troll Girls' or 'TG' for short. I thought this nickname was appropriate because 1) they looked like trolls and 2) they were definitely trolling for some action. Both were wearing bustier/corset-like tops with jeans and horrible shoes. Troll Girl 1 (TG1) was wearing a black one and Troll Girl 2 (TG2) was wearing a red one with leopard print on the back...meeeeow! I happened to turn to the table behind me and saw that they were sitting there. TG2 was straddling her chair (she turned it around to face backwards)...kind of like when Janet Jackson did her chair dance at the end of the 'Miss You Much' video. I turned to Amanda and was like, 'Who sits like that anymore?'
At least one of the TGs was sporting dog tags. I wondered whether those were her own, fake accessories or souvenirs of conquests. I vote her own because neither girl knew how to dress well enough for them to qualify as accessories.
So as I kept catching glimpses of the TGs, the more I realized how much they really resembled trolls. And then this led to the game with Amanda - if death was not an option, which TG would you rather go home with. (warning: this is PURELY hypothetical) This game is great fun. So basically you're forced to choose one because death is not an option. As our friends came trickling in and I pointed out the TGs to them, I had to have them play along...."Hey, if death was not an option, which one would you go for?" This question sure did illicit a lot of, "Really? Death is not an option? Can I poke my eyes out?" Response: No, you can't poke your eyes out because you'd still know what the TGs look like and you would still be going home with one of them. Another consideration? "How about both because if each one was considered a four on a scale of 1-10, together, they would make an eight." Yeah - I had to explain that in this situation, two negatives don't make a positive. Besides, giving each girl a four was mighty generous - I would've given each, at most, a two....and that's if I had my beer goggles on.
You're probably wondering what the results of our little game was:
Amanda - TG2
Jen - TG1
Nicole - at first, TG2 but after more looks, switched over to TG1
Anthony - I think he's still holding out for death.

1 comment:

  1. I love Death Is Not An Option. My roommie Heather and I got through law school with that game. Hours of fun.
