Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Closing Up Shop

We all have our little routines at work. I know a lot of people, like me, start out the day by getting situated at the computer, grabbing a cup of coffee, reading up on current events (i.e., E! online,, in addition to any incidental "real news" I encounter along the way), and catching up on personal e-mail. After checking these items off the list, I am ready for the day to begin. I also have a "closing up shop" routine. This phase lasts a good hour and begins after the support staff start trickling off for the night. There is one employee whose schedule I monitor with particular interest. This is the paralegal with the candy dish. She leaves at 5:30 every day (barring any unexpected deadlines). At about 5:20, I am practically drooling thinking about my candy conquest. Which Hershey kiss variety will it be this time? (I like the truffle ones). It is very important to me that said paralegal is not at her desk when I set out for my prize. I know her candy dish is there to share and all, but I don't want to hover. And I also don't want her to think I only like her for her candy. So I gladly wait it out until the coast is clear.

5:30 is also the time I start planning for the collection of the office trash. Like most offices, every day, a cleaning crew from the building comes around to empty recycling bins and trash cans by every desk. When I hear the master garbage can rolling my way (you know, the bin into which the smaller trash cans are dumped), I try to think of a way to busy myself away from my desk. I may head to the ladies room, spend a few more minutes at the candy dish, wash out some coffee mugs - anything. I just can't stand to be at my desk when my trash is being emptied. It's not because I think the cleaning crew is beneath me. It's because I find the whole situation so awkward. As I sit there, probably just surfing the internet or e-mailing a friend, while someone is cleaning up after me, for some reason I can't stop picturing Goldie Hawn's mother in "Overboard," with her little yippie dog, silk robe, and sleep mask, being waited on hand and foot while she eats bon bons. Also, I can't stand to be sitting there when the guy sees my trash and inevitably starts thinking to himself, "this chick sure chews a lot of gum." Yeah . . . that's a situation I like to avoid.


  1. The trash people have definitely been coming around earlier - I used to think they would come around 6pm when most people are gone but they seem to be coming around 5:15-5:30...and so I am inevitably here when they come collect my trash and I usually just turn around and give an awkward, 'hello.'
    An awkward 'Thanks' just seems unnecessary as I would be thanking them for doing their job?

  2. Either there is a trash fairy or someone comes through at like 2 am. I've never seen them in my office.
