Thursday, July 26, 2007

Commercials That Make Me Cringe

I find I don't really pay too much attention to commercials these days. At least half of the time, I'm fast forwarding through the commercials on my Ti-Faux anyway. But there are a handful of commercials that irritate me so much that I have to change the channel or hit mute immediately - even if I'm in the other room. It's irrational, I know, but these commercials just get under my skin, and I want to send a nastygram to the ad agencies that created them (if anyone knows the respective agencies for the ads mentioned here, feel free to send this post their way). And here they are:

Smart Start Healthy Heart: Meredith Viera wannabee telling me how smart her cereal is. Lady, your cereal is inanimate. Spare me. And at the end of the commercial, when you say how "dumb of you" it was not to mention the great taste, I have to say, you're half right. You are dumb.

Some telephone company: The one where the stereotypical loser guy is asking the technician if it's possible that all of these hot chicks tried to call him at once and jammed up his phone line. And when the technician says the chances of that happening are one in a million, stereotypical loser guy predictably responds, "So you're saying there's a chance?" Are you kidding me? Did the ad agency think we wouldn't notice they flat out stole this line from "Dumb and Dumber?" Stereotypical loser guy actor - you should be ashamed of yourself. Even if you were living in a cardboard box and needed this gig to buy ramen noodles, there's no excuse for disgracing Jim Carrey like that.

Random insurance company/real estate company or something: The one where the guy tries to fix the Hoover dam with a piece of chewing gum. Uh - Vegas Vacation anyone? Come on. What's next? Backing into Stonehenge with a station wagon? Frying a cat under the wing back chair with some Christmas lights?


  1. I often find myself wondering where the creativity has gone these days.
    The way you described changing the channel for certain commercials is EXACTLY the same way I feel about hearing a Nickelback song on the radio - you can't change it fast enough!

  2. Ugh! Stop bringing up Nickelback!!! :P
