Friday, June 29, 2007

What's That Smell?!

Ever wonder, when you enter a public bathroom with multiple stalls, which stall is used the most, the least? I always thought that the stalls farthest from the door are the most used, along with the penthouse stalls (aka - handicap). The reasoning is because if you're in there to do a #2, you want to be as far away from the door as possible in case it becomes an audible.
But I don't think it's the use of the stalls that concern me as much as it used to, when I first became a slave for corporate America. Now, it's what goes on in those stalls and what happens in the aftermath.
I just got back from the bathroom and I decided to go for stall #1 - the farthest from the door. It wasn't because I had to poops (hee hee) - I just wanted a change of 'scenery' - see what was up behind door #1 and how it could be different than what's behind door #3 - the stall I used earlier in the day. The difference? The toilet in #3 was not centered in the stall so it was very close to the toilet paper dispenser to where your arm was up against it when you sat on the seat.
Unfortunately, when I was in stall #1, there was an immediate assault on my nostrils. It was quite obvious that the previous occupant of either stall 1 or 2 did have to poops. It was also equally obvious that said occupant tried to mask their activity by spraying something resembling imposter's body spray. They were quite liberal with the spraying cause I really thought I was going to pass out from all the different fumes going up my nose. Thank goodness I made it out of there alive and coherent but I now smell like the perfume section at your local department store.
Unless you have an advanced public bathroom that automatically sprays a pleasant scent every 5-10 minutes to keep the bathroom smelling fresh, they should really stock these places with matches because I don't think anything short of a match can mask the dooks.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like a little potty humor for a Friday! I do confess to a little Goldilocks complex when I use a public bathroom. I check out all of the stalls, and sometimes I go halfway in and then decide, nope not for me. And sometimes it takes me looking into two or three before I find the one that's just right (although it's all relative, of course - I mean, what's ideal about a public bathroom? - only the fact that it's a big step above a johnny on the spot).
