Monday, June 25, 2007

How Did I Get Here - Part II

Usually, it's the imdb tangent I find myself venturing. But today, it was What makes this extra exciting for me is that I grew up in four different places - three different states (though I can hardly count the years from 1974-1978 in Massachusetts when I knew about three people: my mom, my dad, and my brother). So there are some people that will always stay 8 years old in my mind because we didn't stay in that town long enough for me to go to junior high or high school there. I started light. I got my typical update in my inbox and clicked the link to see who signed my guestbook (there are a whopping two people in mine, only one of whom I actually know). Then I started checking to see if any of the people from my high school added any pictures (few people post pictures, and I'm not sure why - probably because no one really uses anymore). When I was through with that, I began thinking of those people I knew in the late 1970s to mid-1980s. What happened to them? The first to come to mind was a guy I had a crush on in the 5th grade: Chad Phillips. He had a really cute dimple in his chin. And he was smart. It wasn't completely unrequited. He did ask me to be his partner for a few in-class projects. But nothing ever came of it. I found him on, but sadly there was no real information there. This made me go back farther into my history. A boy named Darcy. Darcy Bufalini. Surely there can't be too many of those roaming around. He was in my first grade class, and he rode my bus. His stop was at the very end of the line. So he was the first to be picked up in the morning and the last to be dropped off (kind of sucked for him, if you think about it - twenty minutes less to sleep in, and you miss out on half of the good cartoons in the afternoon). We were buddies. I remember getting the permission slip from my mom to ride the bus to his house one day after school. The other kids on the bus kept telling me that I missed my stop. And I kept having to say that I was going to Darcy's house. There was definitely some teasing there, and I am sure I blushed about this. I don't remember much about his house because I think it was the only time I saw it. But I do recall playing some board game involving a pizzeria. It's funny what we remember. Anyway, I didn't find Darcy on at all. So naturally, I did a google search. Again, how many Darcy Bufalinis can there be? I did find a Darcy Bufalini on And I invited him to join my network. He probably thinks I'm psycho, but whatever. I'm just nostalgic.


  1. I'm just impressed that you remember these people. I went to the same school with most everyone from K-12 with some integration going on in 6th grade and 9th grade from other schools - I can barely remember half those people and the fact that you remember Chad and Darcy - that's impressive.

  2. Yeah, I don't remember most. Just a select few who obviously left an impression :) It's funny, though, Darcy doesn't seem like such a strange name anymore - his Mom must have been a huge Jane Austen fan. How on earth she talked her husband into naming their first son that is a mystery.
