Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Finding Your Niche

There are many multi-talented people out there....there are those celebrities that can act and sing or sing and act and sometimes you will find that those actors or singers branch out into other things like clothing lines, hair extensions, perfumes, home products, etc. Let's take a look at some of those multi-talented celebrities and maybe pick out a niche for them - because isn't it all about finding your niche and sticking with it?

Jennifer Lopez (aka - J.Lo) - Fly Girl turned actor turned singer turned entrepreneur:
Was she a good dancer? Sure.
Is she a good actor? Not really. C'mon - are you telling me that she can really pass for Italian in the Wedding Planner? Nuh-uh.
Is she a good singer? Mediocre - her current album sales are kind of flopping but she does have some catchy tunes (from the past).
Glow by J.Lo? Haven't smelled it.
J.Lo clothing? Haven't bought any but it's not really my style.
Final Take: sure her fashions and perfume are doing well - but maybe she should stick to one thing she does really well - dancing...don't turn your back on your Fly Girl roots!

Jessica Simpson (aka - 36DD) - Holy Roller turned singer turned actress turned entrepreneur:
Does she believe? Of course - her Dad was a preacher after all, before he sold his soul to the devil.
Singing abilities? She can belt out a ballad - but so can most people - those are the easiest songs to sing. But she has never reached the star power of Britney or Christina in the pop realm. I mean, she claims that Dolly Parton is her idol and when asked to honor her at the Kennedy Center by singing '9-to-5,' she messes up in the actual performance, tries to re-tape it afterwards in front of no audience and then ends up getting the whole thing cut out of the TV episode.
Acting abilities? None to speak of. I refuse to watch 'Dukes of Hazzards,' I hear that her 'Blonde Ambition' movie went straight to DVD and she had to hawk them on QVC herself because no one wanted to distribute them and her upcoming movie, 'Major Movie Star' is a modern-day Private Benjamin...but Goldie Hawn, she is not.
Retail Therapy: She has a shoe line that I'm told (first hand) makes your feet and knees hurt and makes you want to take the heel and stab it right into her jugular. She also has a hair extension line with her BFF Ken Paves. I'd like to see the sales figures on those....this is an area that I'm unfamiliar with.
Final Take: Find someone else to marry and be dumb with. None of your chosen professions are working for you.

Britney Spears (aka - the Train Wreck) - Singer turned actor turned entrepreneur:
Singing abilities? Singing is quite a stretch - let's just call her a great entertainer that puts out some catchy dance tunes and worse ballads.
The Big Screen? She tried it once ('Crossroads'), it stunk, and she really hasn't done movies since. Now this is a girl that knows what to avoid.
Smell me? Yeah, she has a few perfumes out on the market - and yes, I'm a fan of one of them...let's review them, shall we?
Curious - her first one, feeling it out - curious to see how sales will go
Fantasy - expanding the line - I like this one...and the bottle looks like a little lychee
In Control - no, you're not
Believe - yes, we believe you're certifiably crazy
Final Take - stick to the entertaining -it's what you do best.

Those are just a few of the multi-talented celebrities that are making headlines out there. We haven't even touched upon the Olsen Twins and their mega-empire of KMart fashion, high end fashion and poor acting abilities....Didn't 'NY Minute' totally tank?

Anyways - I think it's important to find your niche and go with it - but if you try and do too much and expose all your talents (Jessica Simpson) you might be in for a unkind surprise - that you're really not that good at anything you do.

1 comment:

  1. I did see New York Minute, and it was TERRIBLE. But I'm the one who should be embarrassed - for sitting through it.

    I watched this movie called An Unfinished Life on Sunday, and I have to report - Jennifer Lopez's acting is uneven. Most of the time, she kind of stinks, but sometimes she is remarkably good. In this one, she was the latter. I liked it. And also, the actress who plays her daughter - very believable. Seeing a child actor like that really highlights how bad the Olsen twins were. I mean, let's face it - the only reason they were child stars was because of the child labor laws. No way they would be famous if they weren't twins.
