Monday, October 8, 2007

A Dress-y Weekend

Amanda took a trip up to NYC this past weekend and guess what - she found the Tommy Hilfiger dress I have been coveting for the past couple of months (see pic in last post). So it is there - you just have to know where to go...apparently, it's the Tommy Hilfiger Boutique in New York. Not only was she able to see it, touch it, smell it, etc...she also told me that they would be able to order it, ship it down to VA and if I didn't love it, I could ship it back. Now that's service.

This past weekend, I was able to get some "me" time in - after the weeks of travelling and just getting settled back into a routine. I decided that this was the weekend that I would find a dress for the London wedding we (Amanda, myself and some other Purdue folks) are going to attend over Thanksgiving.

I originally ordered one online but when I got it and tried it on, it looked like drapery on me - I felt like one of the von Trapp Children and wanted to start yodeling (High on a hill lived a ...nevermind). So that had to be taken back to Nordstrom...pronto. Nordstrom actually has a GREAT selection of shoes and dresses online - the problem is that they don't carry nearly half of them in the store, especially the dresses. So I brought it back and decided to peruse the 'Special Occassion' section just to see what they did have. There was this Shoshanna dress that looked fabulous on but with a $350 price tag, I had to reluctantly pass. The ladies in the department were most helpful, after I explained what I needed a dress for and all that. They brought me a wide variety of dresses, including this black and gold Tina Turner looking dress that clearly wasn't me but I tried it on for of the ladies loved it. I disagreed...I think it was the high neck collar that really made me uncomfortable. They brought me this BCBG dress that was a black slip dress with a chiffon overlay. The sleeves were long chiffon but had elastic bands in three places down the sleeve so it looked like a cross between something a witch and a tavern wench might wear. My arms, though, did feel like sausages. I mean, the dress looked nice, but to wear it, I would have to go against every fiber in my being that protested beer wench sleeves (cause they're SO 90s). So I had them put it to the side while I went to my favorite store in Old Town - Diva!

The ladies at Diva Boutique are fabulous. They know Amanda and I probably because we go in a lot and never seem to leave empty handed. I headed in and told them what was going on and they were only too happy to oblige. They set up a dressing room with lots of different dresses and I actually found on that matched my Chanel shoes to a TEE (which I also happened to purchase at Diva). They couldn't have been more helpful or excited...and instead of spending hundreds on a dress, I ended up purchasing my dress for $68. I think I have to do some minor adjustments to it but in the end, I couldn't be happier. The ladies went on and on about how the dress and the shoes went perfectly and how I needed to 'Chanel' it out for the wedding - with pearls. They're so fun.

I did feel bad, however, for not going back for the items at Nordstrom - but I didn't need anymore temptation...besides, they get enough of my business throughout the year - and Christmas shopping hasn't even begun.


  1. I'm glad you had such a successful weekend! :)

  2. In my opinion, you should have bought the Van Trapp dress. You could have karaoke yodeled at the wedding or done a little do-re-mi dance ;)
