Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Time to Get Serious

Last night, at dance class, our teacher announces that we're going to have a recital. Amanda and I had thought, when we first started this class in Feb '07 that we would have a recital at the end of that session but that didn't happen. Friends have asked us when we would have a recital but we would always shrug and respond with, 'Don't know.' But now, if someone asks, 'Are you having a recital?' we can proudly say, 'Yes, yes we are!'

Miss Angelica (our teacher) said that she was thinking of bringing it back old school. We are all for that. I would be all for her teaching us 'Beat It' by MJ but it looks like she's going to do some old school dancing with new school music. She had mentioned 'Stronger' by Kanye which has some old school sounds - so I'm okay with that too. She even mentioned that we could do some Rhythm Nation which would be SO freakin' cool - I'd be excited for that because I know a lot of the dance to that. (I wanted to be Janet so badly when I was growing up.) But it looks like we're going to have to step up our break dancing - cause she showed us some 'ace bandage' stuff for our wrists in case we get ouchies from dancing!

Not only are we getting our recital with a whole routine and everything, we're also going to get costumes - nothing too scandalous, for the youngins' in the class, but something really snazzy, I hope. So after that little talk last night, we did some dancing that I have no idea if it will be part of THE dance recital routine. I got home last night and excitedly told my husband (without chip shrapnel) that we were going to have a recital. He was about as excited as the Cubs losing in the playoffs to the Diamondbacks (he's a Cubs fan)...but he'll come out and he'll support me so that's all I can ask for.

So now it's time to get serious. Less laughing (I laugh quite a bit in class). And try not to look silly - that's going to be hard since I'm not exactly as flexible or lithe as I once was...way back when....around the pre-teen era. But I'm going to try. We even have a classmate that is rearranging her trip to the Honduras to be at this recital. She was like 'I need to be at this recital -I will change my flight.' I thought maybe she was going for Habitat for Humanity - so it sounds like, for her, dancing comes before homeless people. True dat.


  1. See though - Miss Angelica always laughs when you laugh. Especially when explaining to her that your right foot wants to go!

  2. And I'm sayin' (and sticking to my story) that in a kick out left position, my right foot is ready and primed to go - not my left, which is on it's side, holding my weight, practically dead, waiting for the right side to move.
