Monday, September 17, 2007

Me Time

I am a social person by nature. I like meeting new people. I rarely say no to invitations. I love laughing and carrying on with my friends and my family.

But I also love my special "me" time. Even though I have lived alone for most of my adult life, I still enjoy traveling alone (to be clear - alone during the journey - not the destination). I know a lot of people who are scared of flying. I have never been one of those people. With all of the discomforts of a raggedy seat in coach, I still love the one perk - that I have my "Amanda time." This is my time to catch up on reading: first the trashy tabloids and tabloid-lites (I get through these quickly), then the new novel. Sometimes, I still have my face in my book as I deplane.

I could just as easily read at home, I suppose. But I don't. When I am at home, I'm always distracted by what else I need to do. Laundry, cleaning, running errands, watching my trash t.v. It is only during captive travel that I have that special time set aside where all I can do to entertain myself is to read. And every time I do, I am reminded of the power and the magic of the written word.

So hats off to you, Mr. Gutenberg.

1 comment:

  1. I have a 7 am flight tomorrow and a 5:30 flight coming back on Friday - and eventhough the times suck, I am looking forward to the time I can read my books...I'm packing two because I get to read it at the hotel with no house chores to worry about!
