Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Convertible Weather

What is convertible weather? I am not an owner of a convertible but I've been in a few in my day. My idea of convertible weather is warm, sunny, not so windy - throw on some sunglasses, a hat and you're off. I could be totally wrong because there were some drivers that thought 56 degrees was convertible weather.

I was driving into work this morning and the temperature was brisk this morning. Fall is definitely here. So I'm sitting in my car with the heater turned to 74 degrees, layers of clothing on including a jacket (button down, cardigan, jacket). I'm not even in my car for five minutes before I pass a guy in a convertible. His side windows were up but the top was down. I looked at the outside temp - 56 degrees. Yikes. Add to that the wind that you get when you drive? That can't be a pleasant drive. Two minutes later, I saw another guy with his top down, side windows up. I guess having the side windows up cuts down on the brisk wind slashing at your face - but this, to me, is really not convertible weather.

So all I could think of was, 'Maybe they have their tops down so they can show off that they have a convertible.' Well, big, freakin' deal. While you have your top down...and your fingers are turning blue and your teeth are chattering, I'm perfectly fine behind the wheel with the heat on. At least I won't show up to work looking like a popsicle.

It might just be my lack of understanding for not having owned a convertible but I think the cut off of having the top down is somewhere in the high 60s. There must be some secret society of convertible drivers out there that I don't know about.


  1. My friend Julie in Michigan was supposedly buying a new SAAB convertible Monday. I teased her about it - Michigan isn't exactly the kind of climate where convertible season starts in October :)

    But Julie's awesome, so she must have a good reason.

  2. That I would drive with my top down to show off I drive a convertible is my biggest peeve. No such thing. Compare: I see tons of guys on frozen lakes ice fishing in the winter. Are they showing off their fishing rods? (Pause for joke. Ha ha.) No, of course not. Just because there are elements of discomfort doesn't mean the reason must be exhibitionist in nature.

    And to Amanda: that's funny. I bought my first convertible in Michigan in September, and my second one in October (years apart). Fall is a good time to make a good deal on a convertible sitting in a Michigan dealer lot.
