Monday, July 30, 2007

Hold That Elevator!!!

I think there is a severe lack of common courtesy in this country. I admit that when it comes to driving, I don't have a lot of courtesy. But what I lack on the roads, I more than make up for in other places like holding doors for people, allowing elderly people to take my seat on public transportation (I'm kind of 50/50 on this) and holding the elevator for people that are clearly on their way to the elevator bay.
This past weekend, I think I saw the most obnoxious human being ever. My husband and I were leaving our condo, heading towards the elevators to get downstairs (we live on the 9th floor). Outside of our elevator bay is a little lounge-y area and then it splits off into the three wings of the building. From the elevator bay, you have a clear view into our wing. My husband was standing in the lounge area waiting for me because I had forgotten something in the condo. I could see someone waiting for the elevator when I was making my way towards them. The elevator came and I was just entering the lounge area when the waiting guy hopped on the elevator and promptly shut the door without waiting for us. We were a mere 10 (TEN, diez, one-zero) paces from the elevator door and he DID NOT have the common courtesy to even wait. It was ridiculous. So of course, when I'm THAT CLOSE to the elevator and you purposely shut the door in my face, I know you can hear me, so I yell, 'Thanks a lot, A$$hole!' That just makes me SOOOO angry.
I have had people, on my floor, see me coming out of my condo (three doors down the hall) and actually wait for me with the elevator. Of course when I see them waiting, I feel obligated to start running down the hall so I don't inconvenience them, but that is SO nice. Not this guy - this guy was a total jerk.
What is the common courtesy protocol here? I guess if I'm in a rush and you're still quite a ways away, I don't tend to wait....unless you're a good looking guy (just kidding!). But if I see you coming down the hall and I know you're heading down as well, I will hold it. No questions asked. I don't want people cursing at me, behind my back (or in front of my face) for being discourteous.
Same with holding the door. If I know someone is walking closely behind me, I will hold the door open for them. More often than not, people tend to do this...NICE people tend to do this. I have been behind idiots that don't bother holding the door even though I'm right behind them. That's a mistake on their part because I open up that door and I yell, "Thanks for holding the door - you're too kind."
What is wrong with people? I'm afraid it just shows people's indifference to their fellow human beings.

1 comment:

  1. I know it's rude, but I'm totally a hider (if they can't see me, then they won't blame me for hitting the "close door" button or simply letting the doors close). But if I were in an apartment building (instead of at work), maybe I would be more courteous.
