Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What Are You...Five?

These past few days, in DC, have been absolutely sweltering. Temps have been in the upper 90s since Thursday of last week, with heat indexes of over 100. My husband and I *tried* to venture to the outlets on Saturday, late morning, but soon couldn't stand the heat because we felt like our feet were frying and there was absolutely no shade or wind for even the slightest relief. So after our run to Costco, the only thing we had left to do was grab a healthy lunch and then hibernate in our air-conditioned home for the rest of the weekend!

We went to lunch at this 'food court' type place - it's actually one store but with multiple stations of food choices - think upscale corporate cafeteria. My husband and I got on line for the 'make your own salad' station, behind some other folks that were waiting. There was really no defined line - it was kind of like standing in line at a deli - you know who was there ahead of you and when they ask whose next, you just know in what order you fall.

There were a few people ahead of us. Apparently, the guy directly in front of us knew someone ahead of him so they just started chit chatting....they were having a good laugh over something but when the person behind the counter asked who was next, the guy in front of us just automatically started ordering his salad. As he was about to move down the line to make his selections, a dude off to the side started telling the guy in front of us that he basically 'cut' him. The guy in front of us apologized and said he didn't see him standing there...off to the side, not exactly in line with everyone else. I actually hadn't even seen the dude either until we got closer to the front - but I knew who was going to go next.

After apologizing to the dude (cause really, what else can you do), the dude kept harping on it. Finally the guy was like, 'What do you want me to do? Have him throw out my salad?' And dude just wouldn't let it go. The dude actually said, 'What are you - in kindergarten? Who cuts people?' And it's not like the guy did it on purpose - he even apologized for doing it. And it wasn't a smug or half-ass apology. My husband and I actually thought there was going to be a throwdown . So as the dude kept going on and on, the guy was like 'What do you want? Do you want to meet in the parking lot and settle this?'

I actually started thinking that the dude was acting more like he was in kindergarten - the way he kept going on and on about it. He cut you, by accident, get over it - you'll get fed....Jebus! I was also thinking that the heat must be getting to people because who would make SUCH a big deal over an accidental cut? When the next attendant was ready to make the next salad, he looked directly at me to start placing my order...instead, I swept my arm in a dramatic arc to signal to the attendant that this "five-year old" should go ahead of me..

Part of me wishes that I would've just went ahead of the dude and if he started yelling at me, I would've retorted with such classics as, 'Hey - you lost your place when he cut you' or 'You stepped out of line - but I'll give you a Chinese cut.' But I wasn't feeling so bold cause I don't think my husband would've had my back on that one!

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