Friday, June 13, 2008

Coming Back for Seconds, Thirds and More....

I'm probably not as big of a movie buff as fact, I know I'm not. But I do love a good movie and especially those that make me feel. I usually classify the good ones in the following categories:
1) Moving
2) Non-thinking enjoyment
3) One-and-Done

For movies in categories one and two, I can watch them over and over, pick them up in the middle, wherever...I will watch it all the way through.
For the 'One-and-Done' movies, it's not that I didn't like them - it's just that seeing it once was really all I could handle and I don't feel the need to revisit.

Some examples of movies that move me - 'Steel Magnolias,' 'The Color Purple,' and 'A League of Their Own.' These movies are only a few but these movies, most certainly, always make me cry. Thinking about it, I laugh at the ridiculousness of it - but really when you think about it, you can't help but cry....
Steel Magnolias: When Sally Field goes on her rant at her daughter's funeral
The Color Purple: When Celie and Nettie are finally reunited at the end as grown up older women, after being separated as teenagers.
A League of Their Own: When Betty Spaghetti finds out that her husband was killed in the war; and when Dottie let's the ball slip out of her hand (ON PURPOSE) so that her bratty sister, Kit, can come out from Dottie's shadow and be her own person.

Movies that fall into the non-thinking enjoyment category are usually comedies that I can just watch over and over again. They include, but are not limited to, 'Dodgeball,' 'The Replacements,' 'Beer Fest,' 'Hot Fuzz,' and 'Legally Blonde.' These are just really enjoyable movies that always put me in a good matter how ridiculously stupid they might be.

The One-and-Dones are more difficult for me because I do enjoy these movies but I feel that having watched them once is enough. 'Titanic' is a perfect example. It was a good, long movie but having watched it on the big screen was pretty much all I could handle. When I see it playing on TBS, TNT or Lifetime, I always try to surf over to see what part it's at but always thank my lucky stars that it was at a commercial break so I didn't actually have to watch any of it. 'Devil Wears Prada' also falls in this category for me. I loved the book and the movie was well done....but after seeing it once, I thought it was good enough. I will catch a few glimpses of it, here and there, on HBO but never stick around to watch it all the way through.

All these movies are great and I do recommend watching them at least once...where else, but in 'The Color Purple' will you ever see a drunk black woman (Shug) tell another black woman (Celie), 'You sho is ugly...heh heh' and then end up becoming her best friend? Classic!

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