Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What’s Wrong With Just Being Healthy?

This season of America’s Next Top Model includes a “plus-size” model, Sarah. Sarah isn’t really a plus. She is around 5’10” and a size 8 or 10 (according to People Magazine). In other words, she looks great.

Evidently, people have given Tyra Banks some flack for casting her, given that she is not really plus anything - she just isn’t anorexic. But you know, I am happy they cast her. Even if she is not the true “plus,” it is nice, for once, to have a healthy weight girl in the bunch.

It seems in the fashion world, the models are either stick thin or overweight (to model the plus sizes). Granted, you get more of the former variety, but I'm sure the overweight models are finding work - as far as I can tell, the Lane Bryants of the world are raking in the dough. But really, what’s wrong with average weight? Isn’t that what the health experts are telling us to be? Why must models be underweight or overweight?

I like this Sarah. I hope she goes far. She’s still a model. Look at those legs and arms. She’s gorgeous.


  1. If she's plus size, then America is in trouble because she's still below the average American size for women, which I believe is now somewhere between a 12-14. And Rachel Hunter must've been a super-plus because she was like a size 12, I thought I read once - because she's so tall and curvaceous. So yeah, i would be one of those ones giving Tyra flack.

  2. I guess I really don't mean the "average" size. I mean the size that best corresponds to the doctors' target weight charts. This girl is likely a healthy weight - not under, not over. No, I don't think she's "plus," but I'm glad she's there. Why can't we have healthy weight models?

  3. My point was that she shouldn't be cut simply because she's not skinny enough - or not big enough. That, to me, would seem kind of wrong. I think there should be a place for her, whatever you want to call her.
