Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A Super 'Ho

So a conversation came up over the weekend about how a certain NFL QB (I'm not going to name names here) recently donated $2 million to his alma mater. And due to the generous donation, an academic building will be named after him and his wife. Then questions arose about the wife - has anyone seen her? What have you heard about her? She has definitely kept a low profile but those that were 'in the know' back in college would've known her real story.

And here it is....Mrs. NFL QB is a year or two older than Mr. NFL QB. She had quite the reputation amongst the football team and those in the sports offices. Let's just say that Mr. NFL QB was not her only conquest. She actually had to work her way up to him. Maybe working her way up the ladder was sort of like a test of endurance...perhaps sluttiness?! When she finally did reach the very top, it didn't seem like it was a love match.... Let's just say that I know someone who had lunch with Mrs. NFL QB and during their lunch, she went on and on about how she was f*cking the quarterback. If that doesn't spell L-O-V-E, I don't know what does. Mrs. NFL QB also stayed around campus and worked at a local travel agency to buy her time until Mr. NFL QB could make it into the NFL....rumors around the travel agency were that she wasn't exactly the most diligent of workers or the brightest bulb in the pack. I LOVE those kinds of rumors.

Anyhow - then we went onto praise Mrs. NFL QB for sticking with her guns and actually making it to the top and marrying the grand prize to see him prosper in his NFL career. Then that brought on another person I knew that had quite the reputation among the men's basketball team and probably some of the football team. She wasn't quite the looker as Mrs. NFL QB (for example, when she wore her big, silver puffy jacket in the winter, someone commented, "What do you get when you cross a whore and a bake potato...). And I believe her reputation only circled around the bench players. But by the time she was a junior or senior, she got pregnant with some bench player's baby. The baby daddy did not make it into the NFL or NBA (I forget what sport he played) and I don't think he stuck around to make a go out of being a family with the baked potato.

So what have we learned from this? One person in our party pointed it out quite either become a Baby Mamma to a potential pro-athletic super star or you work you way through the starting lineup of chosen sport - this may require some scouting for potential careers in the pros. Either way, you don't settle with just being a whore, you become a Super 'Ho.


  1. It really amazes me how people like that operate. In a way, I am actually impressed. Even if I wanted to be a Super 'Ho, I don't think I could have pulled it off.

  2. Same for me and for drugs - even if I wanted to do drugs, I wouldn't even know where to begin...
