Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Why Give Up?

So last night was the first night of the new semester of Hip-Hop II. I have been without dance class for three weeks and missed it terribly. I was so looking forward to class and seeing Miss Angelica (our teacher) after a little hiatus only to be somewhat disappointed afterwards.

As with any class like this, you had your veterans and you have your newbies. The veterans have pretty much been there since hip-hop class was introduced at the school (which was only last February). The newbies are people that have taken other jazz/dance classes at some other school thinking that they can bypass Hip Hop Basics and Hip Hop I and jump right into Hip Hop II at this school. I would say that some of them had a rude awakening.

Because we haven't been in class for three weeks and there were some people that weren't in class for the summer session, I understand that there's the need for a refresher course. But when 75% of your class is new and can't seem to keep up, then we've got problems. We spent a majority of the class going over the six-step, five-step, four-step, and three-step. For those unfamiliar with Hip-Hop lingo, these are all on the floor, on all fours, moves. After first learning these moves, for days afterwards, I rendered my arms dead and thought they would fall off my body. But I've licked my wounds, sucked it up and went back to class only to enjoy it immensely. Last night, we did these moves over and over and over again....and she threw in some kick outs and side swipes...more floor moves. I was fully prepared for my arms to feel the burn and soreness like the first time but I actually feel ok. However, I can guarantee you those new girls are dying today - and probably will be for the next few days. Some of them were even ready to call it quits after class. I think their expectations were a little skewed as far as what this Hip-Hop class was about - I think they thought they could audition to be one of Justin's backup dancers after they took this class.

Amanda and I tried to convince them that it wasn't like this for every class. I admitted that I went home and wanted to cry after learning these moves for the first time but I grudgingly went back the following week. And Amanda was quick to tell them, 'She (Miss Angelica) pushes you hard...' But this is what I don't get. Even if you've taken dance class before, this is a whole new genre of dance. Wouldn't you want to try a beginners class first just to make sure you can handle it before jumping into advance? I mean Amanda and I both have taken dance classes before...Amanda more recently, but we both started out in Hip Hop I and Miss Angelica, herself, moved us into Hip Hop II cause she thought we could handle it.

So of course I was disappointed in the class because we spent the whole time reviewing instead of learning new moves. I hope that won't be the case next week. But that's not to say it wasn't a great workout...I had sweat coming out of every pore of my body. And that always feels good.

1 comment:

  1. My back is sore, but I think it is probably a combination - dance and work stress. My arms can definitely take much more than they used to be able to!
