Monday, September 10, 2007

The Story of a H.O.- fo sho

My sister and I came up with a nickname for being hungover - a HO (Hung Over). There have been many a Saturday or Sunday morning where I've picked up my phone to dial a home in New Jersey only to hear, "Are you a HO?" The answer? "Fo Sho." My voice would be strained, my mouth would be dry and my head would be pounding.

But those days don't seem to occur much anymore. I haven't been a HO in a few months - that is until this past weekend. I was a 'little HO' on Sunday. Did I make that call to NJ? Yes. But because it wasn't a complete, must stay-in-bed type of hangover, my sister didn't pick up on it. Probably because I was also on my way out the door for an appointment.

I hate that feeling - the feeling of cotton mouth...the straining to talk because your voice gave out from yelling over the music the night before....the light, heady feeling whenfood just doesn't feel like a good option and the worst - when your toes feel like they're not a part of your feet anymore because they're numb from the pain of busting a move the night before. But I think I had to let loose Saturday after a whole day of sitting in the sun, being up at the crack of dawn and just having a tough week at work the previous week.

So I got it out of the system....and from here on out, I'm going to try to be a HO - no mo'!

1 comment:

  1. I was a H.O. fo sho Sunday too. That's what I get for drinking Natty Lite. CLASSY!
