Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Snog Monster Strikes Again!

In case you were hanging off your seats wondering what has happened to me in the last two nights, I will fill you in on the Snog Monster.

I have made some keen observations about the Snog Monster - rather amazing, actually. In it's natural environment (it just felt like a good opening...) the Snog Monster can actually start rumbling when it is not fully asleep. It's strange actually. The rumbles start and yet the Snog is still somewhat coherent. It amazes me but I'm afraid to look over to draw attention to my observing in case the Snog's eyes are wide open. (Wouldn't that be embarrassing?) But the way I found out was because we were watching TV and I heard some rumblings coming from the Snog....and then something funny happened on whatever program we were watching and the Snog became alert and laughed and actually said something. So I was so confused as to the state of the Snog - are you asleep? Are you awake?

My Mother-In-Law was made aware of the situation from the first night. I had forewarned her not to be alarmed if she heard someone coming to her house in the middle of the night - it would probably just be me trying to seek some refuge. But I didn't want to put her out so I made a trip to the pharmacy for some sleeping aides - in the form of pills and earplugs. (I seem to be a glutton for punishment and lack of sleep.) They worked! I'm usually skeptical of sleeping pills but desparate times call for desparate measures. I brought it back to the room, popped my pills, threw in the earplugs and hunkered down for the night. It probably also helped that I was already so groggy and tired. But I managed to get a semi-decent night's rest. I think I woke about two times during the night and although this is really childish, the Snog pooted during one of the times I woke up - hee hee.

A group of us went out tonight (night three, one to go) and I drank a bit in hopes that it would make me tired and groggy again. I also left the bar earlier than the Snog so I could hopefully pop the pills and be asleep by the time the Snog was ready to rear it's ugly head. Well - that didn't happen. I am blogging, the Snog is now in bed and she has been talking, talking, talking. Talking has ceased and I'm expecting the noises to start any minute now.

I should probably take my contacts out, get ready for bed and jump into bed in hopes that the Snog does not beat me to Dreamland - cause if the Snog gets there before me, it will be ANOTHER long day tomorrow!

Crap - too late!

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