Tuesday, July 17, 2007

You Had A Bad Day

It's true that the phrase "Bad Hair Day" has been used to death. But even though it is no longer clever (assuming it ever was) but now just a stale catchphrase (right up there with "Where's the Beef?" and "Show Me the Money"), I do believe it remains an actual phenomenon. Let's face it. Some days the coif looks great; others, it's a hot mess - inexplicably.

But I don't think these "bad day" phenoms are limited to hair. I like to think I experience "Bad Driving Days" too. On an ordinary day, I think I'm a decent, competent driver. I know this is subjective and that studies have shown that about 90% of people think they are good drivers (just like most people think they have a good sense of humor, but we can't all be right), but I really do believe I get from A to B swiftly and safely - and with total confidence. But then there's that one day where I'm just kind of off. All day, I'm tentative, and I just don't get my bearings like I should. Sometimes, I even have the great privilege of having someone like my brother in the passenger seat to enjoy my Bad Driving Day with me. I know I am not the only one who experiences this. I see it to the extreme with my dad. One day, he's great; the next, he's putzing through a green light while a nice lady from church in the car behind him is laying on the horn (true story).

I suffer from other such days too. I often celebrate "Bite the Inside of My Cheek Day" (after a day of extensive gum chewing), "Stub My Toe Day," and "Papercut Day." But my personal favorite is "Spill on Myself Day." I like this one a lot because it usually means for me a new wardrobe. More than once, I have found myself waiting outside at Macy's until they open at 10:00 a.m. so I can buy a replacement shirt for the one I just dumped a whole cup of coffee on.

Luckily, I am starting to see the signs of my "Bad Days" and have learned to take preventative action. "Bad Driving Day" is a good day to take the train, have food delivered, and stay in and read a good book (or watch a countdown on E!). "Papercut Day" is a good day to avoid pulling any files off of shelves (especially redwelds). And "Spill on Myself Day" is a great time to catch up on my water consumption.


  1. I sometimes have "No depth Perception Day"....in which I bump into anything and everything possible, especially stationary objects.

  2. I have those too! Especially when I'm rounding the corner of a room. I've also hit a lot of door jams.
