Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Change of Heart

I have to say that I am one of those people that thought Victoria Beckham was an unsmiling, cold, unfeeling "cow" (as others have called her). With the media storm surrounding the Beckhams and their move to America, all I could do was roll my eyes and think, 'WHO CARES?!' Many people move to the US everyday and you don't see media outlets clamoring for their stories.
My knowledge of Victoria Beckham has been largely through media - Spice Girls (I can dig some of their music), gossip columns and entertainment shows. In many, many, many pictures, Victoria barely cracks a smile, let alone any other type of emotion other than indifference. So I just assumed that she was probably a snob (c'mon - POSH Spice) and probably had zero personality.
Well, I got reeled into watching 'Victoria Beckham: Coming to America' for lack of anything better on television last night. I admit that I watched the snippets of her on Today and Access Hollywood. It was these clips of her giving interviews that made me think, 'Hmmm...she actually is pretty well spoken.'
I always thought she had a great sense of style - when you're 5'3 and weigh less than a buck, it's easy to look nice in just about anything. But while watching the 'Coming to America' program, I realized that she is actually pretty human and she has the same worries that anyone else would have when moving to a new place....meeting/making friends, updating your driver's license, finding a good manicurist, etc...totally normal. I was happy to see that the DMV refused to let her take her driver's license picture again, eventhough she had her hair and makeup people prep her prior to the photo. I'd like to think of a bad license picture as a rite of passage to driving...how many people actually do like their license photo? (OK - I kinda do.)
Throughout the program, Victoria made candid comments...even jokes...and she did smile more than a couple of times, and even laughed. She doesn't understand why Paris, Britney, and Lindsay all go out sans 'nickers' - welcome to the club. She was quite funny. Although I think I prefer her 'scowl' look over her happy look cause she doesn't have the winning smile...sorry, Victoria.
So the jist of my story...I think I kind of like her now. All these years of her being my second to last favorite Spice Girl (Scary is my least favorite cause she still scares me)...I feel like I probably didn't give her a fair chance. I wouldn't go as far as to say that I'm a fan, cause she really hasn't done anything fan-worthy...but I have a new found respect for her...not the hero kind, just the regular Average Joe kind.


  1. I haven't been watching "Coming to America," but I did see her on the Today Show, and she seemed to me to be surprisingly humble and cute. I am not a fan of her blonde, short hair, but good for her for continuing to be a trendsetter.

  2. i assumed she was a snob before, as well. But after watching the tv show I thought she was pretty normal for a celeb and I kinda like her. The show was also entertaining, I actually laughed a few times. The blowup doll part was good.
