Monday, July 2, 2007

What Goes Around Comes Around

In case any of you were on the edge of your seats, I thought I'd report that no, I have not heard boo from my old 1st grade bus riding buddy Darcy Bufalini since sending him that ridiculous "linkedin" network request last week. However, as what appears to be payback from the karma gods, I found the following message in my work voicemail box this morning:

"Hi, I'm not sure if I have the right Amanda. My name is Gwen. We were childhood friends in Nevada (which she pronounced Nevad-o) and I am looking for your sister, been thinking about you a bunch, heard the news about your father through my parents and I don't know how to get ahold of you. I found this number on-line. I'm in San Diego."

Then, she closes with this gem, "It would be lovely to hear from you even though we picked on you a lot when you were a kid."

Um-yeah. That's the way to get this other Amanda to call you back, lady. "Hey, we treated you like crap! You're a loser, but let's be friends! We can go halfsies on your therapy bills from the last 20 years!" Makes me wonder if the other Amanda is sitting in her living room with a shotgun and a "People to Kill" list ala Steve Buscemi in Billy Madison - getting ready to smear her face with lipstick . . .


  1. Do you think this is what it's come to - spam over phone? That's crazy. I'd be a little scared if I got a message like that.

  2. I'm also not on linkedin very often but I went on today cause I got two invitations to join and I have to say that the site stinks - half the links don't work and it's SLOW....
