Monday, July 2, 2007

The Baby (Grand)Daddy

Over the weekend, I was at a BBQ in Jersey and we got on the topic of older men with infant/young children with their (much) younger wives.
Fred Thompson's name came up and the first thing out of my mouth was, 'He's got a toddler.' In case you don't know, Fred Thompson was a Tennessee Senator that also appeared on 'Law and Order.' He is 66 years old. His second, and most recent wife is 35 and their daughter is four, which means he became a Dad at the age of 62. Ick.
This discussion then spawned into a web of older men married to younger women who had children with them.
Larry King is 74. His seventh wife is 48. They have two children, ages seven and eight.
Tony Randall, died at the age of 84 (in 2004) and his second wife was 50 years younger than him. They had two children. IMDB only has the birthdate of one of his kids - he was a father at the age of 78.
I don't know what it is but the idea of a gramps-aged man with a woman closer to my age just gives me the heebies.
And wouldn't you know it - I opened up the latest Us Weekly (with Britney and Lynne on the cover) and they have a whole section of the older man and his much younger wife.
Of course no discussion like this would be complete without mentioning 'the Hef' with his three 20-something year old girlfriends. But he's not married to any of them and he's not having babies with them....but I believe if she could make it happen, Holly (main girlfriend #1) would have him at the altar.


  1. Just happened to be browsing through blogs today, and I came across yours. I love it! It's very nice. And... I am married to a man 15 years older than me. We both have 2 children from previous marriages. I think it's interesting older men want kids. My husband made it clear before we were married that he wanted NO MORE kids. He would like to retire and enjoy his grandkids. It's just interesting different strokes for different folks, huh? If they are good dads and participate in their kid's lives then... maybe???

  2. Speaking of random, this one guy in the "mob" won all of the money on 1 vs. 100 on the following question: Who had the most wives? (a) Henry VIII (b) Larry King (c) Tony Randall. The contestant "trusted the mob" and ended up with Henry VIII, whose six wives, unfortunately for her, were still less than Larry King's seven. I was yelling at the t.v. of course because I knew the answer. Another reason why we need to be on the World Series of Pop Culture.

    The issue I have with the (grand)daddies is that you know they're gonna croak before that kid is done growing. Granted, anything can happen at anytime, but you're practially guaranteeing the kid to be half-orphaned.

  3. Hey - at least Hef's Bridget is 33 or 34. She was born the year before me. So really, it is only a 50 year difference ...

  4. I have no issues with older men like in their 40s. I think it's the idea that these men in their 60s and 70s (when they should be enjoying their grandkids, perhaps) are having kids. Fifteen years is not a big deal to me. For me, that would be a man at age 46. And that would be George Clooney - that I can dig.
