Friday, July 6, 2007

Mid-week Holiday

This week, we had a mid-week holiday...the 4th of July...Independence Day....ID4. As you all know, it fell on a Wednesday. Needless to say, for those that didn't take extra time off around the 4th, it made for an awkward week.
I came to work on Monday and Tuesday, as usual. Before any major holiday, our company use to let us out between 2-3 pm the day before so we could get an early jump on holiday festivities. Things being as crazy as they are at work, I got out a whopping 39 minutes before quittin' time on Tuesday...woo hoo.
The actual holiday day was good overall, despite the slight hiccup of events at the baseball game (see: previous post), but I got so screwed up thinking Wednesday was actually Sunday and that Thursday was Monday. I don't think I was the only one that felt this way. All the other suckers, I spoke to, that decided to work on Thursday also had the same problem.
So I grudgingly came back to work on Thursday and now it's Friday. I should be excited that it's Friday...ecstatic that I get to hang out with friends for the next two days. But alas, I'm just watching the clock slowly tick by and waiting for 5:00 to roll around. (It's only 3:33pm) I'm killing time by surfing the net, reading gossip (who cares about Eva Langoria already?!), and just checking out what else is happening where I'm not present.
I think the mid-week holiday has left me unmotivated to do my regular job role.
But I promise (myself) to come back refreshed and renewed for Monday...cross my heart....pinky swear....with a cherry on top.


  1. Even though this was a very weird week with the mid-week holiday, I was personally ecstatic to have Wednesday off. I work part-time (Tues - Thurs) and usually I get gypped when it comes to holidays (since the majority fall on either Mon or Fri). So I was so happy to finally have a holiday that worked in my favor!

  2. While I didn't really work Friday, I paid for it Sunday. Sometimes, though, I don't mind working around "holiday time." There is usually less e-mail traffic, less interruptions, etc. And then I feel perversely proud of myself at the end of the day, even if I work much less than usual.

  3. So far, I've been pretty good with work today - although people have pissed me off in the short time I was in the office. It can only go up from here, right?
