Friday, February 22, 2008

Mega Millions = Mega Awesome

How awesome would it be to win the Mega Millions lottery? It's currently at $270 Mill with the drawing tonight!

My husband and I are buying lottery tickets - we're not lottery least I'm not. My husband was when I met him - he didn't buy it all the time...the man has criteria - it has to be in the three-figure millions...'sheesh!' (as his Grandma would say). When I first started dating him, I noticed he had his "go to" numbers all ready - I'm sure it had something to do with baseball history. I'm also sure that the chances of him winning the big jackpot are one in bajillion! I got an A+ in Statistics, people...I know what I'm talking about.

I don't pay attention to any of the lotteries so I couldn't tell you how much any of the lottery jackpots were at any given moment. I guess I only notice when it's a big deal, like this, and it actually makes the news. I actually just got off the phone with the hubby, asking me what my numbers were. Unfortunately, my gift of clairvoyance is not for self-serving purposes...much like the gifts of the Halliwell Sisters from 'Charmed.' And it's certainly not on demand so I just pick numbers that I like....I won't tell you all my numbers but I will share the following - I really like the number 49...why? I don't know....because it's 7 x 7....that's a good enough reason for me. For some reason, I really like the 7 multiplication table...all those numbers are pretty good in my book.

Of course, you always want to be prepared, JUST IN CASE, you do win the jackpot. The first question always is, 'What are you going to do with the money?' I'll tell you what I'm NOT going to do - I'm not going to tote it around and go to a strip club like some old fool that won the lottery a few years ago. I'm not going to give it to people that I haven't spoken to in > one year...not that any of my friends are hard up for cash. What I would do is probably:
1) pay off the mortgage and one car payment (and possibly get my Range Rover)
2) give to charities, including my alma mater (establish a scholarship fund)
3) take a year-long sabbatical and travel the world
4) figure out what to do then - continue working in IT (probably not) or open my own little business

Anyways - they say money does bad things to people and I tend to agree - but if you're a responsible person, I would hope that money wouldn't be so's all in the way you manage it.

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