Thursday, August 30, 2007

Move Over Bacon....

Continuing on the topic of automobiles and driving, I had to share a thought I had yesterday - although I've had this thought many times before. When I was learning how to drive, I distinctly remember being told that if I was in an accident, to move it off to the side. Even if I'm imagining these teachings, it does make sense in that you're not blocking more traffic and depending on where you are, you are not in the position to cause a more serious accident.

Driving home from work yesterday, I was at a stop light and I looked to my left and saw a Suburban that rear ended a Millennia. That brought back memories as when I first moved to VA, I, too, in a Millennia, was rear ended by a 16-year old kid named Broncho (no joke) driving his sister's hand-me-down BMW. Anyways, both drivers were out of the car...the man in the Millennia was probably going home from work. The boy in the Suburban, and his girlfriend, were kind of milling about around their car. All three were on their cell phones. I'm sure the two males were on the phone to insurance and/or police but the girl? Who could she have been talking to? A friend, to pass the time? Anyways, they were in the third lane of a four lane road (all going one way). Not only that, they were just beyond a stop light so they had oncoming traffic, people turning from the cross other words, mayhem. I don't understand why they couldn't pull it over to the side and handle their business there without causing a scene and rubbernecking....

Maybe I'm just too considerate. When Broncho rear-ended me (that sounds dirty...ewww) in the middle of rush hour, I got out of my car, saw my damage, saw his damage, looked at him and said, "Let's drive to the parking lot and figure this out." The cop came, saw the damage, wrote up the report, and sent us on our way. When I was telling a co-worker, they were appalled that I moved the cars...more to the fact that I moved away from the scene of the accident. Geez - this wasn't a hit and run. Broncho wasn't going to go very far with a smoking and busted up hood...

Was I wrong? I have heard that in VA, cops don't like you moving from the scene of the accident so they can assess the "crime scene." Me? I just want to avoid getting hit by someone else, try to prevent another accident with someone else, and most importantly, avoid the stares. Who do you think rubberneckers stare at after they look at the damaged car? The driver...of course.

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