Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Finally: Operation: Burberry Closet Under Way!

One of the things that I was looking for, when house hunting, was a walk-in closet. It's every girl's dream, isn't it? To have one of those large walk-in closets that could be practically another room, where if it's shared, it contains 80% of the girl's clothes; or if it doesn't need to be shared, that's just a bonus. You see those closets on Cribs and you're just like, 'That's awesome! I want one of those.' I don't necessarily need a huge closet but a sizable one was mandatory and I actually got more than expected.

The previous owner of my house converted the smallest bedroom into her own, personal, changing room. She had one closet in the room dedicated to shoes and then a very long closet for her clothing. I have pretty much done the same - I moved my shoes and purses into one closet, on their own, and then my hanging clothes go into the very long closet. I love it because clothes aren't on the outside - they're actually within closets - and I made that room into my own private space. I purchased a small desk, a very nice chair, a bold, red ottoman and decorated it to my taste. I LOVE my room - on the house tour, it's the last room in the house to get shown.

One of the things that I had always said, while house hunting, was that I wanted to have a closet big enough that my husband could paint me a wall of the Burberry nova check plaid. (I think if I was Scottish, this signature Burberry plaid would be my family tartan.) My husband needs a challenge and this is certainly a challenge....it is a win-win situation (that's how I like to see it). Since I got this whole room to myself, we struck a bargain that he didn't have to paint everything in the nova check - but he would do one wall of nova check and the rest would stay as the base color of the nova check wall.

Incidentally, his friends think he's crazy. Wallpaper was their suggestion - but I couldn't find the exact wall paper for it. My friends are as excited as myself. Neighbors are skeptical and want to see the finished results!

We purchased the paint during the winter, eagerly anticipating the first sign of warm weather when we could open up the windows and start painting. The signs came a couple of weeks ago and the painting started last night! We got the first base coat on and since we had to paint over a light blue, we're going to try and put the second base coat on tonight and tomorrow. Then comes the hard part - the taping for the plaid. Hopefully my husband will get some of it done over the weekend, while I'm gone...but the red, the black and the white paints are all ready to go...I'm so excited.

My Burberry closet is close at hand - I will be sure to post pictures of it when he's finished.

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