Monday, December 1, 2008

This Is So Exhausting!

Just reading Amanda's last post made me tired - not because it was boring but because this is how my life has been for the past three months - EXHAUSTING. Cause when the Sandman comes a knockin', I go willingly. The reason for all the exhaustion is because I, too, am pregnant and I am just finishing up my first trimester. I'm still waiting for that moment in the second trimester that many books and people talk about - the moment where you get this burst of energy and you're no longer least not until you hit your third trimester.

My weekends have been dictated by my need for sleep. A normal 'pregnant' Saturday/Sunday will find me waking up at 7AM, watching TV for about 1 - 1.5 hours and then back in bed for another two hours before I can venture out of the house. And even then it's a struggle. But whatever I manage to do outside of the house, I will eventually need to head home in the afternoon for at least another two hour nap. And then I go about my business around dinner time and I'm in bed and asleep before 10PM. It's sad really - because I used to be so energetic. Now, I can barely get my ass out of bed to do anything. Not to mention the fact that I've been to the gym THREE times in the last three months. I'm hoping that this week will get me back into the gym regularly (three-four times a week) and that will slowly boost up my energy levels....but again, getting me out of the house after returning from work will be a chore within itself!

I also manage to have internal debates with myself overnight - as in, when I have to get up to go to the bathroom. Some nights I get up once, other nights I get up twice. But before I manage to get up, I think I argue with myself for at least five minutes before I lose the battle and get up to go to the bathroom. The winning argument is always, 'This only prepares you for overnight baby feedings.' I begrudgingly get out of bed (cause storing all that waste can't be good for the babies) and promptly get back to sleep. This is how bad my exhaustion has gotten - actually thinking that I could 'hold it in' so I don't have to get out of bed. Where are those catheters when you need them?! I was even informed by 'experienced' Moms that in my third trimester, I might experience 'leakage' before I can hit the bathroom. My response? Ewww and then a mental note to maybe invest in some Depends.

Although I'm thoroughly exhausted, I actually can't complain very much because I did get away with no morning sickness, no vomiting, no nausea and no food aversions. I was one of the lucky ones in that regard - if my worst symptom is exhaustion and the remedy is to sleep, I doubt I would get much pity.

Time for a nap!

1 comment:

  1. ewwwwwww! i never experienced leakage. i think those moms must've held it in for too long.

    as for the "burst" of energy you feel in the 2nd trimester. it's not so much a burst or a boost...but it's more like you feel like your normal self again and don't feel the need to take naps in order to be functional for a full day.
