Monday, July 28, 2008

A Hairy Situation

After some very busy weekends and even busier work weeks, I finally found the time to relax and go to the mall to shop for friends and even myself. In the past few weeks, I really wanted to get a long sun dress but wasn't having any luck on the internet. Plus it's one of those things that I'd like to try on in person to see if it accentuates my body or unflatters it.

I found myself wandering into LVL X. It is a chain off of another chain - their clothes are not of the "best" quality but their prices are reasonable (not as great as Forever 21, but then again, their quality is even lower) and they have dresses and tops that you would probably find on ladies out for a good time. I looked at all the short dresses around the perimeter of the store - the nice thing is that everything is color coordinated, so all the gray outfits are all together, all the gold ones are all together, etc. I found one really cute pale yellow dress and a blue, long sun dress before I hit the dressing room.

While I was in the dressing room, I was quietly trying on my outfits, falling in love with my pale yellow dress and overhearing the conversation next door. There were a few ladies next door trying on dresses as well and all I remember hearing was one of them saying, '..but I don't want it to make me look like I'm pregnant.' A few thoughts ran through my head (because I hadn't seen what they looked like)....
1) If you're pregnant, there's really no way to avoid looking pregnant.
2) If you're not pregnant, but you've got the belly, maybe skin tight (because LVL X lacks for flowy dresses) is not the way to go.
3) And finally if the dress is the type of cut that is supposed to look flowy but instead makes you look pregnant (cause I've been there before), then maybe it's not the dress for you.

After I was done trying on my stuff and settled on purchasing the pale yellow dress and the long, blue sun dress, I went to the cash wrap and patiently waited behind the girl that was trying on dresses next door. She had three friends with her. They were four, rather large, girls and the dress that the one ultimately picked out was nice, but as I said, pretty skin tight. She was making her purchase when the cashier pointed out that when she took off the security tag, it left a very small hole in the back, by the zipper. As they were discussing this, I looked over at her friends, because it was taking way longer than it should have. This is when I noticed the one of her friends didn't shave her legs. And I don't mean didn't shave for days - I mean didn't shave for life. I thought my gag reflexes were going to ignite right there. While I was waiting, I also happened to look over at the far end of the store where there were two Asian ladies - one of them playing with her hair, trying to pull it up into a ponytail. It had to be right when I looked over there that she was pulling her hair back and I saw that her arm pits weren't shaved well....and this is from quite a distance, so you can imagine.

After experiencing all that, I started wondering if I missed did people decide to burn their razors? Was July a 'no shave' month? And the girl that had the hairy legs - she had a perfect pedicure - so imagine the work and stares that her pedicurist goes through!

But that wasn't the best part of it all - you're probably wondering how can you top hairy legs and hairy pits? I'll tell you how...stupidity.

As it turns out the cashier was going to give the buyer 10% off for the minor hole. But the problem was she already charged her card for the full amount. And so that would involve a charge back and then a re-do and you know how it goes. And I just kind of stared like, 'you're kidding me, right?' The cashier saw my look of annoyance and said she would ring me up first and get right to the return but the girl didn't want to wait so she's like 'what's the difference? how much is that?' So you have FIVE adults (not including me - I didn't want to join in all the math fun) available to help you figure out what the discounted difference is. I heard one of her friends say, 'how much is 10% of $108?' Another girl replied, 'It's about $7.' And the four others just gave up the calculations and agreed.

I was appalled - secretly snickering inside: 'How dumb can you be?' So the cashier ended up giving her some foot pads (for the insides of your shoes and the balls of your feet) worth $6.99 so she didn't have to wait. A-ma-zing.

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