Friday, August 1, 2008

If I Were Famous....

I'd want to be famous for doing something that I actually like doing. If I were famous for something in fashion, I think I'd better learn how to draw figures (I'm much better at landscapes). But that would be a good enough amount of fame for me - have people buying my clothes, wearing them to big events and getting the notoriety that I am a talented designer - all the while keeping me living in a comfortable environment.

Vera Wang comes to mind as someone that is way famous for her wedding dresses, is often sought after, but she doesn't show up among the blogs and gossip rags, allowing her live a somewhat normal life.

If I wasn't famous for fashion, maybe I could be famous for modeling. If I were famous for being a model, I would have to grow a few inches and lose the spare tire. Okay - I don't have a spare tire but I would definitely have to get model-fit. Models get to travel the world and wear awesome (and some not so awesome) clothing.

I wouldn't want to be like a Heidi Klum (although I wouldn't mind looking like her) or a Naomi Campbell type model but I think when you're a model, you almost make your own level of fame. Heidi is well known for fitting splendidly in whatever Victoria's Secret throws at her and building an empire of herself. Naomi is known for her awesomely bad temper and receding hairline. No - I would want to be like a Marissa Miller (yes, with her body) where she gets recognized for her beauty, she fits into everything like a glove and yet she only dips her toe into the limelight. She seems really down to Earth and isn't hampered by the paparazzi. And it probably doesn't hurt that these models aren't starving themselves and are actually healthy looking.

Could I handle being famous? Probably only on a small scale - where people would know who I am but I would still be able to go to the market, run my errands, live like a normal person, travel whenever I wanted without being chased by flashing cameras and people blocking my car so I couldn't drive away.

Yes - maybe I'll just keep thinking I'm my own head.

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