Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I Remember...Only To Forget

Have you ever had to remember to do something and in order to remember you keep telling yourself in your head, 'Don't forget...', 'Don't forget...' only to forget in the end?
That happens to me more often than I care to admit.

I think my worst incidents have involved medication. I have to take a pill twice daily - once in the morning, once in the evening. The evening part isn't hard to forget because I put it right on my bedside table and take it right before I go to bed. It's in front of my face so I remember to do it. The morning doses are harder because I don't necessarily want to take it right when I wake up - morning breath and all.... So while I get ready, I'm constantly trying to remind myself to take the pill. Before you know it, I'm in the car, driving to work. Thankfully this morning, I was only down the block so I could turn around and have my husband meet me at the door with water and my pill.

It's also happened with a camera. If I'm going somewhere (like an event) and think a few days before that having pictures to remember it all would be nice, I'll try to keep a mental not to remember the camera. Fast forward to day of event, and that thought is lost to the recesses of my mind. It's only in hindsight that I scold myself for forgetting to bring the camera.

This is probably why I keep so many pads of paper and post-it notes at my desk - so I can always make notes so I don't forget. In fact, every time I manage to make a note to myself, chances are I don't forget. I should probably employ the same tactics at home...but call me lazy, I don't.

Sometimes I wonder if I should just tape a pill to my forehead before I go to sleep so I don't forget in the morning - that would certainly prevent me from forgetting!

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