Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Starbucks Survivor

A few days ago, you heard me lament about the sad absence of "Face Time" with my new "remote office." But of course, there are positives to working remotely too (aside from being able to work in my pajamas). One of these positives is the ability to be able to take my office basically anywhere (hence the use of the term "remote").

Today, I am in NYC, visiting my friend Michelle and planning to go to a book signing of one of my favorite authors. I felt a little silly booking the trip, but why not? I should take advantage of one of the perks of my job. Does anyone really care whether I am at the San Antonio Hawthorne Suites or East Village? I see no difference. And, in fact, I am getting a better internet connection here at Starbucks than I did at the hotel.

So I have been here for three hours and counting. Don't worry - I'm not a freeloader. I bought my coffee and breakfast here and enjoyed it for quite awhile now (I recommend those little petite vanilla scones - delicious!). What is interesting, setting up office at Starbucks, is the number of people who come in and out. While a frequent Starbucks patron, I can't really say I've been here for the long haul. But surprisingly, even the people with laptops - they don't last forever. Forty-five minutes maybe. An hour tops.

Except for the one guy in the other corner, who was here when I arrived. He's committed to his laptop and his earphones. I haven't seen him move once, not even to take a bathroom break. I've outlasted everyone else, but can I outlast him? Stay tuned.

For more Starbucks Survivor.

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