Monday, May 12, 2008

Face Time

I'm a social person by nature. Whenever I get my annual review at work, one of the positives is usually "good with the clients." On the negative side, I get something along the lines of not "digging deep enough." Both are pretty accurate, I'd say. Mingling with clients can be tough at times, especially during detailed discussions of the industry, but I am all about expressing interests in their hobbies, their children, their guinea pigs (seriously). And I joke around with them (although I am pretty careful about taking any joking too far).

I also work very hard about establishing good friendly relationships at the office, whether it is with my superiors or the support staff. I take a certain pride in having won over the veteran secretaries in my office. Believe me, it wasn't easy. But I know that it is important to have a good rapport with everyone, and the support staff plays an essential role in business. Without them, I'd be in trouble.

Given my social nature, working remotely, from the comfort of the Hawthorne Suites (currently) is a very strange experience. Sure, it's nice to be able to just roll out of bed to go to the "office." It's great to know that I can move my office to the pool deck or to the Riverwalk Starbucks.

But it's sad too. Technology is amazing, but it's no substitute for the real thing: face to face contact. Getting up to go to work was a pain, but there was often a certain excitement wondering what the day would bring. And when I bought a new outfit, there was nothing better than taking it out to show it off.

Dressing up to go to the grocery store somehow isn't the same.

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