Thursday, March 27, 2008

She's Alive!

If you've been reading this blog on a regular basis, you've probably noticed that one of the so-called "authors" suffers from a serious case of absenteeism. You've probably also observed that, whenever said author does post, it's mostly to comment that she rarely posts. This time is no exception.

Hello again, faithful readers!

As usual, I've been buried. Buried in three things: my book, my move, and work work work. As far as the book is concerned, I've shipped off my manuscript to a third party for review. By third party, I mean someone besides my mom or my friends - someone who is not hopelessly biased and does not recognize any of the episodes in the novel as actual events. Is my book interesting or funny or, at the very least, decently written? It's out of my hands at this point, although I have helpfully looked back at the version I sent, and of course found a few mistakes. It's like checking the answers to a test before you get the grade. Not a good idea.

As far as my move is concerned, can we say stress? I am moving with my husband to Texas next month. When I say Texas, don't get too excited. We're talking border town here. We're talking basically Mexico. We'll see what happens, and I'm optimistic. But the fact that there is no Target or Starbucks - not a good sign. I have a feeling I'll be relying on a lot of on-line shopping. This move carries with it a much bigger stress, though: the sale of my house. Oh yes - not a good market, folks. When I bought, townhouses were turning over like hotcakes. People were waiving inspections! When I opened up my tax assessment this year, I nearly cried. This is the first year it has gone in a downward direction. Not good.

And work work work. What is there to say? My friend Jenn and her buddies started a website called "Get Yourself Fired" Check it out. Great ideas in there about how to insert your likeness into various compromising photos - proof that you are not fit for employment. I won't lie. It was tempting . . . because at least then, I could collect unemployment. But really, I'm not fit to quit or be fired. So I will just keep "Get Yourself Fired" in mind as a lovely, lovely dream.

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